chapter 3: gone

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The two walked in silence for what seemed like forever. The woods were towering above the two of them, their branches seeming to claw their way towards them. It was dark and cold, not the ideal walking conditions, especially when you didn't know where you were going.

"Hey, Nico?"


"Where are we going?"

"Just wait."

"If you don't know either, you can just tell me."

He hesitated.


They stayed in awkward silence for about ten minutes after that.

"Hey, Nico?"


"How did you do the crack in the ground? Like, the one that killed the skeletons?"

He hesitated again. "I dunno."


Finally, they reached a clearing, seeing a pile of rocks Hoa recognized as Zeus' Fist.

"What exactly are we doing here?" Hoa asked.


"Nico—We went even deeper in the forest. If you want out, you should've gone to the entrance."

"There's something here."

Just then, the branches ruffled behind the two of them. Hoa willed her necklace to take the form of her quiver and bow, tia chớp, or lightning in Vietnamese. It was a carefully crafted bow with the same theme as the dagger, red wood with gold outlines.

She nocked an arrow from her quiver and took aim in less than a second.

"Hey! Can a dryad not walk in her own forest?" A voice called out.

"Who's there?" Hoa asked, her bow still up.

Just then, a familiar face appeared. Juniper came, seemingly out of nowhere, and walked up to them. "What are you doing here?"

"He wanted out." Hoa willed the bow and quiver back to a necklace and gestured to Nico, who has been looking between the girl and dryad. 

"So you're... doing what?"

"Getting out." Nico deadpanned.

"Be nice," Hoa said, tugging Nico's arm. Then, she spoke up to Juniper. "Do you know a way out?"

Juniper hesitated, clearly knowing a way out.

"What is it?"

"That cave," she whispered, clearly terrified. "It generates some magicky aura."


She pointed at Zeus' Fist, not wanting to get closer.

"Thanks, Juniper," Hoa said, "Now, can you not tell anyone about this?"

Juniper gulped, clearly afraid of Deimos's daughter. "Okay."

Hoa walked over to the pile of rocks and surveyed the area. She didn't see anything special, not until she noticed a sliver of space between the two largest boulders.

She tried looking through it but couldn't see anything. Just a dark pit.

"Hey Nico?"


"Found something."

Nico trudged along to where she was standing and gazed through the small space. "Found what?"

"Let me see. Just don't push me in, alright?"

The corner of his lip turned up, "I'll think about it."

With that reassuring answer, she grabbed her dagger from her belt and went in. Almost immediately, she slipped, grabbing one of the big boulders for balance. "Whoa!"


"Hey... Big hole, can you help me out?"

He hesitated for a second before holding her hand trying to pull her.

He failed, letting the two of them tumble into the pit.


hi im madi, your loyal author ♥️ 

they found the entrance to the labyrinth! also the way hoa asks juniper anything lol.

anyways, nicos still hesitating on touching hoa, even though, you know, shes about to fall into some kind of giant pit.

what are your opinions on these--

how was the chapter?

what do you think of new neeks pushing hoa away?

what do you think of juniper and hoa?

what do you think is gonna happen next?

also, what are some questions of your own?

anyways, tysm for reading this crappy book! 😃

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