chapter 5: some shitty therapy

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She whirled around, drawing her dagger and plopping a now asleep Nico onto one of the sofas, with her standing in front of him.

"Somebody's protective, huh?"

She looked around, trying to discern the voice, but she couldn't see anything. "Where are you? Show yourself!"

She could hear the smirk in the person's voice. "If you insist..."

Suddenly, a figure appeared to her left. She looked at the man, and did a quick analysis. He was a teen who wore a black T-shirt covered with a leather jacket with some ratty jeans. His belt contained a knife, and his hair was covered with a bandana. And his red eyes...

Suddenly, her vision changed. She felt herself collapsing, and she blinked.

She was in the middle of a jungle, a battlefield. She was running, with blood flying everywhere and gunshots making her ears ring.

Soldiers were littered throughout the place, but she could care less about who they were. Every one of them tried shooting her, but she was moving too quickly. She ducked and weaved, bullets hitting the tree she was right next to, the log that she crawled under, the dirt where she just stood.

Her heart pounded in her chest. She knew this wasn't real, and she knew who the person was.

Phobos. God of Panic. If you look into his eyes, he shows you your worst fear.

Well, that made the situation even more wonderful.

She just had to get out of here to confront him.

Now how do I conquer this fear...

I need to snap out of it...

I need to save Nico...

She was getting tired, and the bullets were closer and closer to hitting her. Good thing they are a bad shot...

She was the daughter of Deimos. I can do this.

She stopped to catch her breath. Standing with her back to a tree, she willed her fear away. Suddenly, the vision flickered, like she was doing the right thing.

Thwn she heard a creaking sound. One of the trees started falling towards her. She panicked, closing her eyes and reaching a hand out in front of her.

Then she felt something in her hand. Feels like bark...

She cracked an eye open. She was holding the fallen tree with one of her hands.

What the hell...

How did I just do that?

Just then, three gunshots sounded, hitting the tree she was holding. Her eyes widened, letting the tree drop as she looked where to go next.

She saw a small cozy space between trees. Hurriedly, she dashes towards the area and kept running.

About a minute later, she was hiding behind another tree, catching her breath.

I should be trying to get out.

Closing her eyes, she put her concentration into getting out again. Her eyes squeezed shut as the sounds of gunshots faded around her, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

The vision flickered once, twice, and a whole lot more after that. She thought she could see Phobos pitting her onto the sofa, getting her into a comfortable position with Nico's head in her lap.

I've got this...

Just then, three bullets hit above her head, and her eyes snapped open.

You've got to be shitting me.

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