chapter 15: death boy is really cuddly today

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Hoa took a shower for the first time in a while, and it felt great. She scrubbed away as she watched dirt and grime slip from her body onto the floor, sighing in relief. Hell yeah.

She applied more shampoo into her hair, which she grabbed from the nightstand since all the soaps were for men. Lathering it into the roots of her hair, Hoa washed it all off and applied the conditioner to the tips of her hair, washing her body more as she waited for the conditioner to set in.

She rinsed her hair once more, sighing in relief and getting ready to leave the shower. Turning off the water, Hoa quickly dried most of her hair, then put her clothes on. She hastily fit all her hair into the towel and looked into the mirror.

Hoa was wearing a loose but short black shirt paired with some checkered black-and-red pajama pants. She lifted her arm up a little and her shirt came up a little, revealing some of her skin.

Hoa touched her face gently, tracing the area below her eye. Unlike before, no dirt or grime pulled away from her skin when she checked her finger.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. "Hey, Hoa? Please hurry up?"

She muttered a "fuck" under her breath before responding, "Yeah! Just a few minutes!"

Hurriedly, she grabbed at the pouch of skincare and started applying everything. When she came out, she made sure to grab everything, walking out of the doorway slowly and finding Nico waiting outside.

He stared at her for a moment before saying, "Dinner's ready, by the way."

Hoa gave him a shy smile. "Okay, give me minute to put everything away."

He gently grabbed her arm, his cold fingers startling her after the warm shower. "I'll walk you to the room and wait for you."

Her heart pounded. "Okay."

He didn't let go of her arm, gently guiding her through the maze of a house to where they would be sleeping. They walked inside, Nico standing at the doorway and Hoa walking up to the nightstand and tucking everything that she took back inside, as well as folding up all her clothes and leaving them on the drawer.

She turned to Nico. "Okay."


After grabbing plates, they headed to their room, with Nico sitting on the bed and Hoa at a chair and desk next to the drawers.

They sat in silence, neither wanting to say something to the other. Hoa stared at Nico for a little bit before he locked eyes with her, making her blush and look away.

She watched as Nico stared at the unfinished barbeque and coleslaw that was left on his plate.

What a waste, she thought.

Hoa, however, didn't hold back. She ate everything that was on his plate, which was a lot. It had meat, corn, chicken, ice cream, coleslaw, eggs; just about everything.

She finished, glancing at Nico. "Are you eating any of that? You need to eat something..."

Nico stuffed a bit of coleslaw into his mouth.

"Death boy. Stuff some shit into your mouth right now."

He rolled his eyes and sighed, eating a bit more.

She walked up to him and sat right next to him, scooping up some meat and putting it next to his lips. "Open your fucking mouth."

He frowned but relented.

Hoa carefully put the food between his lips, making sure not to hit anything on accident. She carefully repeated this, scooping more vegetables and meat onto the fork and putting it in his mouth until the plate was empty.

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