chapter 16: percy jackson

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Hoa woke up alone, Nico nowhere to be found.

So I was ditched, fantastic.

She found a note on the nightstand, telling her to come downstairs for breakfast. Hoa went to the bathroom to do her skincare, quickly coming down after to go see her crush.

She found Nico still dressed in his black linen attire, sitting at a table and rating nothing. He gave her a curt nod, as if last night didn't happen.

Nico walked up to her, giving her a greeting and showing her the breakfast options: scrambled eggs, smoked bacon, breakfast sausage, and chocolate chip pancakes with syrup.

Hoa took a little bit of everything, sitting down next to Nico with his empty plate.

She frowned. "Nico, you need to eat something."

He sighed. "No, I don't."

"Yes you do."


"Please, Neeks? You look so pale and skinny; that can't be healthy." Hoa begged, placing her eggs and breakfast sausage onto his plate. "Here, take some of my food, I'll get more later."

Warily, Nico took a nibble out of some egg but refused to eat more.

"Please? For me."

He locked eyes with her as he stuffed some more egg into her mouth.

"Nico di Angelo, stuff some shit into your mouth before I make you."

He sighed, cutting up sausages with his knife and finally eating properly. Hoa wolfed down the rest of her food, happily eating her food. "Damn, these pancakes are so fluffy."

Nico finished, putting his plate on the table. Hoa grabbed it along with hers, going over to the sink and putting it inside with some other dishes.

Hoa went upstairs to brush her teeth, getting ready to start what would hopefully not be an eventful day.


The day was eventful.

You want to know why?

Percy Jackson came to the ranch.

Like, what?

Hoa and Nico were outside chatting casually, and when they stepped through the glass doors for the porch, a certain son of Poseidon stood there, along with Annabeth, Grover and Tyson. They all looked worn out and tired, but thankfully alive and well.

Nico stepped through, not noticing them for a second. "Geryon, I won't wait for—"

And then he froze, eyes wide as he drew his sword.

Geryon snarled. "Put that away, Mr. di Angelo. I ain't gonna have my guests killing each other."

"But that's—"

"Percy Jackson. Annabeth Chase. And a couple of their monster friends. Yes, I know."

"Monster friends?" Grover said, frowning.

Hoa grinned. "Hi, guys! What's up? What did I miss?"

Nico grabbed her hand and pulled back. "Hoa," he said, gritting his teeth. "You're not going near them."

"That man is wearing three shirts," Tyson said, like he just noticed this.

"They let my sister die!" His voice trembled with rage. "They're here to kill me! And Hoa!"

"Nico, we're not here to kill you." Percy raised his hands, which were clear of Riptide, his sword. "What happened to Bianca was—"

"Don't speak her name! You're not worth to even talk about her!"

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