4. Yess!, I do

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Where as everyone were waiting for grooms to be present, where as grooms having another plan to stay at their changing rooms

Here jungkook who is nervous as hell for the first time in his life, a kind of fear which helds him back. He surely wants to run towards his taehyung and ask him as he wanted this marriage to begin
He doubt, cause this is damn early for him not Only for him but taehyung still he can't wait to be his

Taehyung who never once felt something towards anyone but now he sure, he wants jungkook to be his and only his

Taehyung was all ready to walk to stage to get the hold of jungkook's hand, to get a vow done with him, he was about to lose his patience as his brother showed up and said wait as he wanted to share a words

Jimin gave them a space as he goes to check on jungkook on demand of taehyung

Yoongi heavily took his step towards his brother, his eyes getting watery as this day he have imagined but soon this will come he never did
His hands approach the side arm of taehyung, and pulled him into the very tight and comforting hug.

In those seven days, yoongi who held himself going to taehyung, he let his self to use of loneliness without his brother, but for his safety purpose even he have to live without his world he will do it, his heart clench when a hard yet small sobb could heard, and small and soft arms wrap around his body. Yoongi let his mind and heart took control over him, and his tears found their way, he sucked a deep and strong breath before moving from the hug..

"I'll miss you, my bear" the only words could come out of yoongi's mouth, taehyung held yoongi's hem of shirt, and shake his head constantly as in 'no' yoongi who wants to ran out of room and stay lock up in his room and cry his heart out..

"I'll missed you too hyungiee, please don't cry ..." Yoongi gave his best smile to him and caress his hairs just the way tae likes, this touch he always felt safe, and he still do

"You'll be fine there, will no one to attack you, he will keep you safe, happy" yoongi's heart clench once again as he felt he was going to drenched into his tears of pool
He held his tears back

"Hyungiee I was fine with you too" this statement made his brother shake his head as no "you were not, I'll be always there for you, ask me anytime you want me to there I'll be there for you, but, from now he will be your safe place" taehyung's mind recalling the yoongi's words

"There is no better place than mine for you to be safe, your hyungiee and you are the safe place for eachother and no one" the words were spoken by the 14 years yoongi who ran with his 5 years old brother taehyung from the dangerous mens of group to save their lives

Well yoongi who still doing the same thing, running away from those mens and that's the main reason of the marriage happening

Jungkook got up from his seat, along with his mother came and said

It's time!

Well the words keep ringing in his mind, he was walking down towards the stage with blank mind, his thoughts were disturbed when the priest announced his name, as he was eager to meet his princess
Nervousness could be read by on the face of jungkook

His palms were sweating badly, for sure he was never this tensed and nervous in his first board meeting

But see him now, well it's natural to be nervous, for sure it's the big day of his life, his life is going to change in the best possible way

His nervousness had reach it's limits when he saw his ray light of sunshine, his princess walking with hand in hand with yoongi who was having the best smile, with sad eyes, well jungkook badly wants to know the reason behind the early marriage but the put the thoughts aside when taehyung's hand were in search of jungkook's hard one

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now