8. Fierce jungkook

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"boss,he look terrible now, i think he got scared" said the man through the Bluetooth speaker, as he turned to the other side as he saw Taehyung go insane more and more

"Good! That Jeon is with him?" 
The boss still waited for the answer, even though he was monitoring taehyung with cameras around him

"Yes, boss, but I think, we should stop this, he is sacred to death" he exclaimed worriedly, even though he was not in place to worry or to think about his beauty in way

"You got no rights to talk about my beautiful in such a way, it's my concern, just keep an eye on him, make him scared, he must remember about me"

"Jungkookiee, ask them to go away" taehyung said as he whimper, he shows the way towards the bunch of men's

Jungkook gave a look at them, while he didn't know who they are, he called one of his guard

"Who the fuck they are?! Why In front of my building?" the guard was getting sacred, he bowed to jungkook as he leaves towards them

"Kookie! I'm scared" jungkook picked him up in his arms, while Taehyung leached to him like an insect, jungkook carelessly walked into his glass building with his flower in his hands.

"Shhh! Baby I'm here hmm" he rubbed soothing circles on his back, till they were in his private lift

While he was walking to his lift the employees were looking at him in the way like they saw some alien or what
Of course they will feel this way, their boss who is more than fire, who hates skin ships, hates being like this, and now carrying someone In his arms, knowing he married just last night, they assumed the person must be his spouse.
He shot one last glare who was looking at them leaving their work, and entered into the lift, they began to work .

"Sir the meetings will--- his secretary stops at his track, as he sees the most impossible thing his boss will do, he looks at him for a good minute, how he was carrying him, and settles on his chair with his husband still in his arms, jungkook looks up through his
Secretary why the hell did he stop saying.

"Speak up" Jungkook ordered him, ok now he is back with The Jeon jungkook
He is just a different person, intimate, fire, passionate towards his work, harsh, rude, gives a cold shoulder,
A different person with his baby flower and with his workers

"Sir, nothing, today there is no meetings, we just need to finish the designs and then you gotta be present there to check, and finalize the product and a week or two will be --
Launching the design" he finished saying with a long sighed.

"Ok.. I'll be there, and the emails.. don't worry you finish your work, I'll be needing you afterwards, now I ask you to go for your work... Dismiss!" For the very first time in his life he talk to his any secretary with a low voice, with gentle sound

His secretary felt some emptiness, as he was use his orders or his harsh voice

When his secretary was out of his sight, he opens his desk drawer, he got one of remotes of that, he clicked one of them buttons as that was closing the curtains, which were around his cabin.

His sees taehyung was asleep in his arms, before entering his lift , taehyung was in his head space which did make Jungkook panic, cause he was continuously crying and crying not even speaking

Jungkook still was processing, for what reason that men were here, he ask his head guard who says they are here for long time, his body tensed up, as he don't wants to leave his baby flower here alone, but he have to

He picked taehyung up his arms and lay him onto the leather couch, before putting his coat on his baby, as taehyung was wearing a silk shirt and he feel cold in any time soon

He carefully walk out of office room, locking it, he was now out of his building, with a scary face, if anyone would come in between in his way will burn the person alive

His eyes speaks more than anything, and he saw one specific man among those still there, he was keeping an eye

Jungkook stay at his cool, he walk in his style without noticing that man, he grabbed his color from back, the man couldn't even process the one moment he was keeping an eye on building in moment he was black out
Jungkook carry him with his strength as he lock up the man in his building basement which he only knows.

Jungkook sat on of his king chair, with his leg spread like man spread, he settled his poster, as he look at the man in tha state his made him, he pull a satisfied at when he whimper in pain, he looks at him with his fiercy eye, the moment their eyes met
The man only found is anger, passion to kill someone instant

A long deep breath sucked by jungkook, as he look at man, the man shows someone fear for him, jungkook did a small dark chuckled which was not audible but it was something he does when his is in dark theme, he let his self this dark sometimes only, and that sometime is only now

Jungkook pull that man's hair, man screams in pain, another dark chuckled left out from his lips, this is after so long time jungkook does this, and he Missed all of this, he missed his hands works, how his mind goes crazy when someone does something against his

He darkl laugh which circulate around the empty basement. Man tries to get rid of the grip which jungkook held him

"Try me, and you'll be six feet under the motherland" man still try to process is that even possible

"Yes, it is" he felt like he just mind read

"Hand me fucking footage, and those hidden cameras which Michael gave to put on" man just wiggle as he forcely pull his hairs out of jungkook's grip

"You .... You knew?" Jungkook smirk how that fucker is shocked

"I'll get you leave from here, go to Michael, ask him to do something new" he patt his chest, and pinch something through his neck he Black out

Jungkook carefully put him where he get him, and set his attire, his got his natural cold fierce eyes back, got his super model walk.

He finally enterd into his cabin unlocking his door, while he could not even imagine the scene he saw



8th part 〽️
Here it is

Beware of double bunny

Published : 8th oct, 2023

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Published : 8th oct, 2023.

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