22. His true colours?.

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"Yoongi, tae is not with him, some hours ago he got into a car spot, he is alive but hospitalized i asked everyone there about tae but they have nothing information about our bear, we lost him... now who will answer this to jungkook tell me, who?" Namjoon emotionally said, as goes towards Yoongi who was seated on his work chair with a blank face. No words or emotions were coming out of him

"Yoongi let out your thoughts your emotions, free them" Yoongi just shook his head as he wiped his tears which were floating. As he got up from his chair, he stumbled on his own feet.

"You remember Joon, at the age of five, from that age he was suffering, but you know what Joon, i thought his life will go smooth, or easy going, but no, my worst decision I took last six years ago my first mistake, he suffered this all alone, those nightmares he had, I was right there, by his side everytime but what happened. See I failed again to protect him. That promise I made with my dad that I'll take care of him, never let him suffer but i broke instant that day, and see this is what I'm receiving" he stopped at the window side being on the top floor of MIN CORP. eyeing the best view with the worst feeling inside as he clicked his inner cheek and began to speak again "and you asked, what we will answer to jungkook? Right... and yes ... how am I supposed to face him after what happened?"

Joon was trying hard to make Yoongi calm, but he ... Yoongi was hurting himself.

"Yoongi, please stop! And let's think about what shall we do now, cause we can't stay here just have talk we have to find him as early as possible, if jungkook would know come to know about this, surely I can say, he will lose his self and will become the person he never wanted to be" Yoongi and Joon both trying hard to find any of clue to taehyung, but they don't

They even check that spot where car burst. But again no clue, they search for any cameras near but unfortunately they don't. At last they enter into the Mansion where Jimin and jin were already waiting for them

"Got any clue or anything, tell us, please" jin cried as Joon hung his head low

"I'm sorry please, it happens because of me, forgive me, I'm sorry" Jimin slid down on floor and begged for forgiveness for the mistake he never did but he was guilty, he couldn't take it.

Yoongi who stand there emotionless with directly looking at jimin's eyes, which was really sorry and Yoongi's eyes were shouting don't beg, he just left from there leaving all of them

"Joonie Hyung please, tell us what happened?"

"For now, if Jungkook calls you, just don't pick up and jin you won't receive I'm warning you, understood?" Both jin and Jimin nodded their heads like kids

On other side

"What colours are you talking about kookie?" Jungkook chuckled at this

Jungkook took heavy steps towards his baby flower laying on bed with hand cuffs, his legs were also tied just how Jungkook wanted. He was enjoying the scene, pleading which made the scene more intense according to jungkook

"My dear baby, i don't wanna hurt you, i never will do, but .. as i said earlier that you are caged here with me, for me, now this is how we gonna live our life, just us, you know what princess, I have planned this all for us, but you know what I was never going to do this but you.. you let my inner devil rise again, now he is awake, and now" as he moved closer to tied taehyung and hover above him and lean close to his face as taehyung immediately turn his face to other side this pissed of him.

Jungkook held tae's chin harshly and said "never turn your face while I'm talking to you, and yes I was saying that, Now everything will go according to my inner self how i wanted. I wanted to cage you, i caged you. I wanted to build a house just for us away from others I built. Now see everything is good
You and me"

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now