21. Not my fault

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There jimin who immediately contact yoongi, "pick up the damn phone hyung" he was getting frustrated min by min as yoongi was not answering any of his call. As he thought to call jungkook even though he won't answer his calls
But as he searching for jungkook's contact there yoongi contacts him

Jimin with no wasting time he answered
"Hyung, please forgive me, but---

"What are you talking on chim, what happened, first you relax"

"It's not time to relax, hyung! Tae got kidnapped by them, and i couldn't save him please forgive me" there yoongi who was uttered shock

"Don't tell me, the man we were running away from, got us, we are done, please tell me it's whole lie chim" jimin shook his head as slid down and cries

"No hyung, it's the truth, I'm sorry please forgive me---

"Give me the damn address" as jimin message him address

In 25 mins yoongi along with Namjoon and jin was there

All of them come running towards jimin was sitting in same position as earlier

As when he saw them "he ... he took him front of my eyes and i couldn't help but saw that my tae was getting away from myself, I'm sorry"

"It's okay, clam down, chim it's not your fault even if you had try to save him they are not that weak, now get up we have to look for my bear and i know that where he will take him" yoongi says as he gets into car like nothing has happened he was chill

"Yoongi you can't be like this, why are you not reacting,your brother is kidnapped and you're still like this, can't you just express your emotions, and don't hurt yourself, you've try every possible way to keep him safe all this year, you didn't failed" Namjoon yelled all this as yoongi just shook his head and spoke

"You know that Kim i failed, all this year, no ... knowing that it's not his fault still he was in danger still, fuck!
I have to be there and talk to him answer his all questions and take my bear with me, yes I'll do it"

Namjoon came towards him as hugged him tightly to calm him down
"Just, don't do it, we know that he won't do anything to our taehyung, just take control over your self, think and that take step"

"And jinnee, take jimin to hospital, and ask only Hoseok will treat him only, he is shocked, he will easily understand him, just do what I say" jin was all confused why hobi only

"But why him? There are many too?" Jin asked

" just do as I said, he will understand his pain, and don't let Jimin go out without our permission and for you too" that's it saying this both Yoongi and Namjoon went from there leaving their lovers at back

"I said, please leave me, please, i don't have any answers" as he begged still that man was not into his begging

"Kim, I got you, that's what matters, if you are with me than my answers will be here too, so be a good boy and shut up, will you?"

"You are doing very wrong, if my Hyung find out I'm here, he will chop you off"

"Oh my, your sweet little threats Kim, I'm scared" dramatically that man said

"Don't worry we will get there In some minutes, than you will remember everything"

Tae was getting more scared by his each and every words, as he remember his childhood how his hyung save him, protect him at every stage, but now, he is not even here.

"Aeyy! What happened? Why did you stop?"

"Boss, someone blocking our path, we tried but he not moving" as he curse listening this

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now