24. separation?

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"Baby, please don't leave me this time,
I'm not that strong, please, don't leave me like this, i did everything just for us baby, please don't leave me, we will live here peacefully, No Michael would disturb us, please" tae again hugged him tightly and caress his hair softly. And there his brother yelling his husband's name both were ignoring the yells and everything

"Kookie, wait here, just let me talk with them, let me tell them that I'm safe here, I'm ok with living here with you, please" jungkook was not agreeing to leave tae, he was holding his waist tightly not leaving for a second too

"Jeon jungkook come outside or else it won't be good for you" jungkook cover his ears "please stop these" tae was trying to calm him down, jungkook was sweating badly, the thought was scaring him that his baby flower will leave him

"Jungkook baby, I'll never leave you, i didn't hold your hand to let go, I'm there for you always, even if my hyungiee will part us, I'll choose you always kookie, but for now relax baby, let me just have to talk with them, they are family our family.
Let's not forget about that, hmm"
Jungkook still was not agreeing to leave him, he still hugging him tightly not even letting him move

"Please koo" jungkook just nod "But, we both will talk to them, and if they don't agree, i will run away with you, where i planned" tae was too shocked listening to this but he just humm I

"Let's get down" both of the males walk down the stairs, with holding hands, tae was squising his hands.
"Kookie, please don't panic" as both were now standing infront of the them.

"Tae, come with us, quick" jungkook tightly held his babyflower's hand both of them looked at each other as jungkook's eyes were yelling only one word is that 'NO'

"Tae, i said come here. Right now, Jeon leave him"

"Hyungiee, you are misleading all this, it's not what it looks like"

"No my tae, you are soo naive to understand his plans and all, he is not good for you"

"Hyungiee, wasn't it you that told me at marriage day, that jungkook is that person only, who is more than a safe, and i felt that, he is the only one Hyung please don't separate us, we love each other"

"Ask him, does he love you or not, or it's just obsession he has for you" by now jungkook was controlling his self just for his baby flower

"Even if this not love and only an obsession than it is, I'm obsessed with your brother Mr. Min Yoongi and I'm not sacred to tell you or anyone, he accept me with all of flaws, than why not you?, you are just angry over that mislead you all keeping him here with me than what's the problem, we are husbands, we have right to live alone, so you are no one to interfere in our personal matter, i don't give any right"

"Jungkook mind your tongue" Namjoon yelled as he come towards to tae and was trying to free jungkook and tae's hand

"No Hyung, don't do this or it will not be good, you'll face the worst of me" jungkook warns him still Namjoon stood there freeing their hand
"Do whatever you want jungkook, i know you won't hurt your family and friends that much of I know you"

"See, if I'm chill here that doesn't mean"

"You can't do anything Jeon, just free my brother that's it we won't do anything to you"

"Mr. Min if it was really that easy than it's not, I challenge you, break us"
Tae looked at him in horror

Yoongi just chuckle looking at Jungkook's confidence "don't challenge me Jeon, firstly I'm not interested in it, I'm here to take my brother from you, he is not at all safe here, morely you are not safe for him, so in betterment just leave his hand and fuck off"

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now