9. it's same

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Taehyung yelled for jungkook who was curled up in a ball, while jungkook's coat was shattered around tae's body, like he was trying to protect himself from something.

He shivered in jungkook arms, he looked around in his cabin, which scared him to this, while looking around he found his Gun laying on the table

His eyes turn dark, his body stiffened, he hates being like this around taehyung, still his mind seems to be out of his control, he got up from his seat, he doesn't wanna look at taehyung with those eyes which will scare him to death

"Daddy... Huggie" taetae whine, while opening his arms, jungkook tries to not concentrate on that metal thing which lingers in front of his eyes

He held his head, tried to wipe those sweat beads which gathered around his forehead "hug!" tae again asked. He got no reply, so he stood up from the couch, he stumbled on his own feet, while he stood in front of jungkook

Jk, try to change his stare, but nothing happens, his heart beats at high, when taehyung just hugs him, firstly he never knows when he comes in front of him. And this made him calm, his anger somehow got low.. still his fiery gaze stays still ..

Jungkook's body tense, he wrapped his hands around the feminine body, which seems to calm him down, he can sense he got his control back, but still his eyes volunteering that fucking metal polish thing on glass table

"Daddy is sorry, .... No one will take you!" tae tae humm as he buried his head into jungkook's neck

"Sleep!" Taehyung announced as he put his body weight on jungkook's. While he carried him to his chair, not letting him go sleep

In the meantime, tae did a small bite on his daddy's neck cause he didn't allow him to sleep.

"Daddy will let you .... But" Jungkook grabs Taehyung's neck harshly which results into the loud whimper

Jungkook's eyes turning dark and dark, his aura changing by every bit of second, he may be soft and sweet but he is different

Jungkook's sucked a long deep breath before speaking knowing taehyung truns to his self not in his head space
"So you even know....how long I have been waiting for you, princess....?" His words comes out in his not so innocent tone, his eyes shows nothing. His face stay cool when he knowing it's scaring and hurting his baby flower

His hands goes further, till it reaches it's peak of taehyung's lips, his thumb roll over his bottom lip "those lips....! You should know, are mine only" taehyung who's eyes was turning red in any time he will cry, cause the scene infront of him is fucking scary, is he the same person from last night or even today morning; taehyung thought

"My every fucking wild dark fantasies, every right i claim you even before you knew did become true and will becoming" those dark words were slipping from his tongue which terrified tae

"What you saying kookiee?" His voice was not even audible but it understands jungkook, his smile came out on his eyes till it reach towards his eyes. He caress taehyung's lips over and over again.. "Remember my kiss....?" Jungkook asked in hoarsy voice which sends shiver to tae as he clutch jungkook's shirt only

Taehyung right now thinking on one side the danger and scary thinng is jungkook and on other hand asking his help only through his eyes, which reflecting; will be

"No" tae don't know why he answer this, but he sense he is not asking their first (maybe) kiss on their wedding but it was another one but how??

Jungkook chuckel, as he grope taehyung's right nipple in his finger while he slightly pinch on them, earning a low raspe moan, which trun his dick to twitch into his pants
Again his finger cricke over his right nipple and says "remember.. my hands cupping this?" Now this shit scarring taehyung, he really wants to know what is this, he goes near jungkook's lips, this he regret (not really) instant as jungkook hardly pinched his both nipples as he moans loudly, being his lips brushed over jungkook's.

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now