27. Michael's warning

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"baby, I'm coming to pick you up, be ready" that's only the Words came out of jungkook's mouth and he disconnect the call and here tae was being dumbfounded

"Can't he just talk like a human he is" it was jimin who irritatedly said

"Now, you don't start, please!"

"What you talking on boys?" Harin said coming towards the boys

"Nothing, noona his dearly husband is coming here to pick him up, saldly" she made a sad face as she wanted him to stay over here

"Don't worry noona I'm here only" jimin said happily cheerp she pinch his cheeks

"Yaa, i know that, now what?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"What!?" Both soulmated said in unison

"I mean to say, when he is coming here, soo I can meet him in person after so many of years"

"Don't know!"

Ding Dong~

"There he must be?" She ran towards main door, and she quickly click open there he stands

"Noona!?" He was surprised to see her
She gave him an enough space to enter he did.

"Yes, so my dear bro, how are you now?" He sadly looked at her which she understood

"Well, asual I'm good, and I'm glad that now you are back!" Both Hugged eachother after sooo long time

"Noona, i would love to stop by here but not now, we have to leave" he said coming out of hugg and his search for his baby flower who was not infront of his sight

"Umm, wait Mr. He will here soon" teased

Both of them had their seats and there coming duo whispering each other something which is only audible for them

"Ok, bye good night chim" buding final bye they both took their leave and headed towards the car which was park in the middle of road

"Was you that much of hurry kookie that you" tae pointed how he leave his car like this

"Baby!" Jungkook immediately pulled his baby flower In his arms relaxing his head on his Baby flower's shoulder while his hand were wrapped around his tiny waist tae was not understanding what suddenly happened to jungkook

Tae quickly wrapped himself in his lover, and felt that it's not just an hug, jungkook was scared of something, tae caress jungkook's hairs and said
"Is something wrong,Baby?"
He nodded his head only not even getting out of hugg

It was tight grip on his waist soo tight
"I'm here only koo" jungkook again nod his head
"I know baby, you are here, but i want you here, near me only" tae keep caressing his back and hairs making him relax but instead it was getting worst tae felt some strange behaviour in jungkook it was like he was different from his self
Scared to lose someone

"Let's go home first" this time tae was driving, and jungkook was just all the way he was holding tae's hand not leaving for a bit of second

"Koo baby, look I'm here with you, don't be like this" no response

"I'm only yours koo" tae knows this only jungkook make calm ke kept saying this

"Talk to me koo, share with me, don't keep it to yourself" again no response

"Take me home just baby, our home" tae nodded and jungkook's grip tighten around their holding hands it was hard for tae to drive with one hand but he managed


"I'm sure, that Jeon must have been scared by now"

"I know him, he will surely come up with some new plan" it was jun-seo

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now