16. Devil's lost

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Just when, Michael yelled at Jungkook's name, Jungkook was aware that he was here, he stayed at his cool, he didn't show any tension

But the thought was running inside him, how to keep safe tae, his baby flower.

Not caring about anything, he ran towards the area which is less surrounded with Michael's mens, jungkook wasn't sure whatever he is doing is safe, or harmful, he knew only, he has to do it now, if not now then it will never

He escaped from their with tae, but it wasn't just escaping, he make sure his baby flower is safe and covered
And he went back to the palce where he has to be present

Surely, his temperament was getting high, the words recall which he spoke to tae
"i don't need to be gangster to save you"

He was just sitting there, sipping his drink, chilling with fresh cold air waiting for the correct time

Jungkook smirks a little, when he noticed some moments, as he put down his drink, he stood from his seat
Adjusting his shirt, putting on his smile, and turned 360°
Still that smile, which is just dangerous as him

He knows, the person he was looking for ; Michael, will never show up that easily, will hide behind his mens, but this time Michael prove him wrong

Michael was facing jungkook, both stood, facing eachother, with that disgusting smirk, or you can say, that smile.

Michael took one step ahead, as jungkook stopped him

„Nah, nah! Michael, why so hurry?"
Smirking Michael didn't stop at his track, he was now literally standing hella close to jungkook

„ Already sacred Jeon?"
Jungkook just chuckled at him, as his hands were in his trousers pocket.

„That suits you Michael, How come you here? Btw"

„I'm not here to answer you every fucking questios, Jeon, Give it back, and live your own fucking life"
Jungkook back off one step and stares at him

„it wasn't the deal, Michael, and this Time you won't win him, I got what's mine"

„he was never yours, you apart us, now it's my time, I'll win him back, and you will be one who will hand him to me, by yourself, Jeon, you heard me" this didn't make him any scared

Jungkook suddenly pull out his gun out of his back, and point at Michael's forehead
"As always, Jeon, you react as fast it has to be, that's the reason you always failed by me"

"don't try me Michael, it won't take any sec, to load each and every fucking bullets inside your head, and than you'll see you failed who won"

„Uf! These little threats of yours, Jeon, are still the same as back time, why don't you grow up, Jeon?"
Jungkook was fuming in anger, and he knows Michael was trying to make him do crime, but he has control himself
As he fires up in the sky

Both didn't flinch at the sound, jungkook put his gun back from where he got, that's when, he saw tae was coming out of the shield he put him

Jungkook massage his head, as he turns to the other side, while Michael stood still, nor moving nor saying anything

„jeon, try as much as you can, but what's mine is always mine and you know that, you are always an fucking loser front me, I'll get him back"
That's it he turn to the other side to leave, but was stopped by none other than tae

Jungkook was still on the other side facing, he was aware that taehyung was here, and he completely lost his cool, he felt his gun was pulled from his back pocket

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now