1. Eager to meet you

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"Yes, it's true now there is no back for you so be prepared for tomorrow and yaa don't try to sneak out of this meet and don't worry kook I've already cancel your tomorrow's meetings--

"No not at all Mom" jungkook dramatically whine as he moved towards her more trying his best way to convince her
She moved more forward from him teasing him at this his patience level were getting out of control
As reach his hands to stop his mumma but is this gonna be stop?
Than answer is "No" cause she is mom of "The Jeon jungkook" who is more likely his mom,stubborn, but sweet

"Stop whining like child, he is good and please he is too much innocent for you behaviour just in case you hurt him you're gonna face me" she blow her hairs and blow a kiss to jungkook and walk out of his room
And there he sat on his bed, massaging his head, he turn of the music which was playing on background
Basically he as usual every fine morning just like today's he was doing
Some excercise and his mom pop out of nowhere and announced meeting with his future husband

Well he is not interested in marriage and all stuff but only his business, work, sometimes his father is also so worried sick cause of this bunny looking boy

His Dad even complaint him about like his dad do handle his company but never this sick of work

He even received comments like "please marry your work" whoever he met as an marriage proposal

He don't want any kind of relationship now he wants to achieve more in his life, but he sometimes to thought too he needs break, but then again some work has to came

Just like now

"So basically tomorrow I'm gonna receive same comments well I'm prepared, but ...."
He got up, dust his pants he went into his room attached balcony
He admire the nature's beauty as he breathe the fresh morning air, but his mom's words were still ringing in his head
Like how his mom is so sure the guy they are gonna meet is saying yes_____

"Fuck!-" his thoughts were so disturbed by the phone call, he ignored the first call, and was trying to enjoy the fresh air but again this call

Frustratedly he reach out for his phone, without seeing the caller ID he received it, knowing who will be none other than his secretary


"Speak up" not letting his secretary speak, he cut him off

"Yes sir, sorry to say but Mrs. Jeon has cancelled your tomorrow's meetings and so please I'm here to inform you that one of our client who can't wait delay the meeting so ask us to arrange the meeting today and it's around 3pm so...-" the secretary wait till jungkook spoke

"Hmm... Done but who is he?"
He curiously asked cocking his eyebrows

"Ahh ... It's Mr. Min" the secretary nervously answer

"Ok.. I'll be there is 1 hour"
He cut the call, he relax on the chair

"Fuck my life" as he curse under his breath ... Few minutes after he realised he needs to reach his office by time






"Nuoooooooooooo hyung!"

"What no tae, I'm saying it and you have to do it" here taehyung's pout grew more

"But hyungiee, I'm so young.... Pretty please" he shows his best puppy eyes,but it's not going to work this time

"No tae bub, I'm sorry but it's for your own safety, you knew it--

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now