7. I'm there for you

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"kookie!?" Taetae half yelled, as jungkook wasn't listening or saying anything nor even reacting, he just stay stood.

"You there kookie?" That's when the blink of an eye, he looks at tae with his dark orb but soft eyes, and caress his bread cheeks.

He was still processing it's true or it just he didn't hear it properly, he smiled a little before speaking.

His smile still did not reach till his eyes, this shows taetae to he is just trying to smile for him, so taehyung just shook his head as no
And hit jungkook onto his chest with his little little fist

"Baby, you know it hurts" jungkook dramatically said, as he was searching for words what and how to express his feelings with this new found information of his baby princess

"Princess!?" He called for him, as tae immediately trun to him, with an angry pout on his pinky lips, jungkook cooed at him, which he earns a giggle in return.

"Kookie.. say something"

"I.. i don't know.... But you know what, I'm ready to take care of you in any state, however you are... Just be with me. Just for me only

Taehyung nod happyily, even though he was not satisfied what jungkook said, like he expected an damn emotion or anything but, he got to know, jungkook is hard to express his feelings or any emotion he got his way to express

Taehyung lie his half body on jungkook's, and got relax. That's when he felt some stinky something

"Yoo.. kookie you so stinky stinky, and taetae don't like it" jungkook than look at himself and realise he directly came to him after his workout, as he scratch his back of head

"Well, baby, I take a quick bath, till than you sleep more okay, cause it's still early... Sleep" jungkook said using baby voice. And in return taehyung just nod in no and said

"Kook.. I'm hungry... I wanna eat" he throw a fistful of hand in air and burried his head into jungkook's naked chest. He caress his soft black hairs, as tae humms in satisfaction and he himself don't know when did he fell asleep

Jungkook did carried his baby flower In his arms, and lay him on the bed cover him with sheets, as he went inside washroom to clean himself

Jungkook pov:

It's something new for me, and I'm ready to take care of him, just like I said to him, and I mean it.
I know my response didn't go for him, it didn't satisfied him, it just I don't wanna make him feel like he is just different. I don't know anything about this ....

Well i should just do some research about this ...

As he turned the shower on, let his body relax under cold shower, he gently ruffle his hairs as he look up and drown into the thoughts ..
He continues to scrub his whole body while still his mind were on the same thing over and over.

After a long shower, he wore a bathrope, exiting, as he head towards the walk in closest, he open his closest sliding door as he chuckled when he found his baby's clothes, colourful, shinny, with bear prints some of
Cute cute things, he felt some cringe for a moment but he overcome when he thought how his baby princess will look in those outfit.

As he was looking for his clothes, which were now somehow hid behind taehyung's clothes, and finally after looking for a good time, he found one.

As he was heading to his office, so he decided to directly wear his office clothes, he change into it

Here taehyung' was done with his sleep, he squirm in sleep, when sun Ray hit his face, his face glow as shiny, he tries to cover his face cause the light directly hiting his face, as felt someone pulling the covers away from him.
He pout more as he leave to get the comforter back, and lay on his stomach hiding his face inside pillow, and another one he put between his legs for his comfort.

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now