6. I'm little

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It was fine at midnight..

Until, taehyung start to shiver Into sleep, as this made jungkook to squirm in sleep
As jungkook saw taehyung was heavily sweating in sleep as he tried to wake his princess

"Hey .. tae Wake up .. baby ..
Open your eyes ." As he tries to make his eyes shut open
Jungkook wasn't daring enough to get into see his princess in this situation

"Look at me .... Yess like that" as he slowly opens his eyes, his vision was somehow blurry

"Kookie!" Exclaimed tae as sigh heavily, and hugged him just like his life depend on him.

Jungkook deep breath, as he hugged him, and try to console him, he rubbed soothing circles on his back

"Kookie, I'm scared!" tae suck a deep breath, as he inhaled jungkook's natural scent

"Relief?" Jungkook finally asked, as he sees taehyung seem to be fine, and normal

"More than!".. jungkook look towards taehyung's face, studying his features, like it's something bothering him and he really wants to know, he want to take away that pain, he hate being see him like this in this situation
He hates when tae in his arms shivering or something is disturbing
He wants taehyung to be peaceful when he lay in his arms

"Baby, tell me, please" taehyung hummed as sudden wave of fear gather around him which was noticed by jungkook as he felt taehyung body got tensed

"It was, dream... ! I hate being this helpless" tae cried and hid his face in jungkook's neck

Jungkook immediately picked him up, and laid him on top of his body taehyung seems to be relax, and less tense, and now remember yoongi's words, and now he believes

"Now he is your safe place"

And this is true though!

"Run, Tae! they still chasing us"
Said yoongi and he run along taking his hands in his

Tae was about to fall, it was not even noticed by yoongi, as he seems to be lost

Taehyung ran and ran, finding his brother, only being 5 year old, not that much of sense

He found some place to hid, it was the worst decision he ever took, as he look through the side of tree see the same men's of group chasing them

He gasped a little loud, as he saw that man brought up the gun, and shot, up in sky, as fear rush over him, that's when the same man start to approach taehyung with dark smirk on his lips

He found himself froze at the place, stunned, his mind suddenly went blank
He felt just so helpless, he wanted to run, but his legs betray him

The man was about to approach him, but a loud bang could heard, and he trun to the other side, that was the worst thing he done today..

His sob still continues, his nose started to get runny, jungkook brought up the tissue to wipe his runny nose, as he chuckled how he looking like a baby, as he felt like babysitting the baby

His cute thoughts were disturbed as he heard, when taehyung said something

"I know it's kind of wierd dream, but it's actual" jungkook knew it, the way he was explaining his dream it didn't seem like dream though it came out to be real

"Than who was he?" He asked while he ran his hands through tae's hairs

"Need more time" he said with his closed eyes with sleepy voice
As jungkook don't want to gave him any trauma so he let him sleep

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now