19. let me be a Monster

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It's been two days now, and Jungkook was losing his self minutes by minutes . Tae was stopping him to take any risky step which will return as worst

Right now, tae has been in his little space, he wants to relax, so let his self in head space, and here our jungkook is not there to take care of him, even tae had chosen him as his caregiver though

"I want my daddy, pwease" tae cried out loud as he throws his feet in air
Jungkook's mom was there to look for tae but he is not state to listen anyone

"Look tae bear, your daddy is busy, he will be here at any time, so for now, play with me" she used her baby voice and tries to make him understand


"No buts my dear, I'll play with you hmm?" He didn't answer he just sat there, fidgeting with his finger

As both were silently playing in living room, but tae was not as happy as he just wanted his daddy and that's all

Jungkook's mother was observing tae he was soo sad she couldn't like it

"Ohh my baby, wait here, I'll call for your daddy, i can't see you like this" as she reach out for her cellphone and dialed her son's number

At first ring he picked up the call

"Yes mom?" answer jungkook

"Come over kookie, your tae bear needs his daddy, sooo" he chuckled listening this

"Mom, umm .... okay, I'll be there in 15-20 mins----

"Come fast my toy" voice came out loud as this made jungkook to goes weak in his knees

Jungkook immediately disconnected the call, and sat there with knees close to his chest

"It's not the time to get scared, face him, face him like a man you are"

As jungkook ran as fast as he can out of his office till he reaches towards his car, he was not sure if that man will hurt his family or not, but he can't take a risk



"Why are you here now?" Yelled Mrs. Jeon to jun-seo as tries to cover tae from this monster

"No, no don't worry I'm not interested in anyone, i want my jungkook back, I don't want that which you are hiding behind you" Mrs Jeon just disgusted by his words

"Dare you seo, you know that, you can't do anything so just leave" she daringly walk towards him till she stands infront of him
He stood up from the couch, she matches his level of anger

"Dare to touch my son you fucker, he will chopped you off" tae was not understanding any of bit, he was not also into them, he continues to play with his toys which is better for him

"This much of strength?, ohh shit how can I forgot you The Mother who will never let his son go any harm, but, you failed in every way" and jun-seo knows how to make her weak

She holds herself not to let her down by his bitter words. She knew jungkook will be here soon, she needs to distract this jun-seo cause don't know he will try to harm to tae and she will never forgive herself then if anything happens to him

"Dear uncle, look, your toy is back" there jungkook stand with all his strength

Jun-seo turns to other side facing jungkook, as jungkook asked his mother to take tae back to his room as she did .

"So what do you want dear uncle?" His uncle just smiles like foolish man he is

"Got courage hm, but it doesn't suits you, you know that, the way you were sacred when I did touch you i want that jungkook, so darling be that, and come here" jungkook really wanted to throw a punch at his disgusting face but, that thing which still remains fresh inside him

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now