13. hidden things. 1

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"Ouch! Fuck hyung it's paining, what chemi----

"You, these are not chemicals my boy, these are antibiotics, and keep quiet, let me do my work"

"Tae, ask him to do gently" jungkook whimper a little while he looks at his baby for some help

"Hobi hyungiee, put pressure on it, it's deep scar"

"Yes! Yes! Now, get me an wet towel" hobi said while almost done with cleaning jungkook's wound.

Tae came with an wet towel, as he place that towel towards hobi.

"Ok! I'll stitched it tomorrow, cause it should be clean by morning and please don't let him do anything till I'll stitched it so be careful, and avoid your gym for some days, and you're listening to me this time" hobi strictly warn him

"Hyung! Thank you soo much, you came at this time, like for me" jungkook smiles warmly

"Aey! If you are saying it for formality than I'll accept your thank you" he flas his sunshine smile

That's when Taehyung entered inside the room, with something in his hand,
He walked till he reached towards the his hyung, his hobi hyungiee

He pulled out his hand, and shows what's in his hand, his eyes were fluffy red, like he cried

Both were panicking what makes him cry like this

"Baby! Is there something wrong?" Jungkook wanted to hug him but he was stopped by tae

Taehyung shows the photo which he was holding in his hand

And that's it, everyone were sacred to shows this picture to taehyung, now he remembers clearly, it's all happen cause of this

"You all... You cheated ... You all keep it hidden... My Baby-----"

"Shh! Tae it's all accident! Please, don't loose yourself" tae shook his head as he back off a little, while his tears breams drop continuously

"I lost my baby and you telling me to calm, like how?" He shouted, shouted in pain, letting stress took control over him

Jungkook was trying to catch him, but he was running from him too, he didn't let him touch him.

"I don't blame you all for this, but you all kept it hidden" he cries, as he slid down to the ground, hobi and jungkook crunched down to his level.

Hobi wasn't sure about if he regained his memory or not, but now he believes it, he was trying to calm him, and at time trying to take the frame from him

In frame, it taehyung and jungkook there, where jungkook was kissing his 2 months baby bum, which was looking so cute, both were so happy in that

But that happiness has to be scattered, and it did, jungkook who keep mum, he never open his mouth to speak, he knows the pain.

Jungkook by now was getting frustrated, he knows he shouldn't be now getting angry or anything but, this is not the time, it's happens in past.

"See, tae tae, we didn't hid from you, you were not in state, we all know you lost your baby, but also think about jungkook too, at that time he lost you and baby, but hopefully, you are now with him, he was all broken

Broken with nothing by his side, now be yourself, just forget about that"

"Hyung you serious, you are asking me to forget! It's not forgettable i lo--

"Not only you tae BUT ME TOO, I ALSO LOST MY BABY" he lost it, he knows this will hurt his baby flower

He hold him into his arms, he wipes his baby flower tear.

"It's okay, baby, i understand your pain, but, you should able to handle your self, stay strong, you have to face more things ahead, this is only start, more things gonna open will stabbed you
So be strong"

"No, kookie! I remember you telling me, you wanted baby, our baby, but we lost it, ... It was all because of me--

"No,you were not the reason" he says in his dark voice, he held tae's shoulder tightly, knowing it's hurting him too

"Jeon, get yourself, you are hurting him and you too" it was all shown in to his eyes.

Jungkook hurriedly got up from the floor leaving messy taehyung at back and he walks out of room with hardly slamming the door not before saying this

"You were not the reason and never will be"


13th part 〽️

Very short part..

My exams are finally done
I'm happy and happy 😊

And, readers, wishing you all Happy Diwali 🎇🪔

And, readers, wishing you all Happy Diwali 🎇🪔

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Published: 12 nov, 2023

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