30. The end?

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“why are you keeping to you only, you can share with me I'm there for you’’ jungkook smiled and push back tae's fallen hairs on his eyes

Tae still seated on his lap caressing jungkook's left cheek

“it's not that big thing baby---

“koo baby, it's a big thing, your behaviour is not like wise, you can't control yourself, please---

“just say it clear baby, that, I'll hurt you when I'm not in senses’’

“swear to god koo, even if you hurt me I will be with you, cause I need you the most, I'll not leave you at any cost’’ his eyes narrowed he caress tae's lower back and swing on his chair

“There's no way that I'll leave you, stay by me’’ tae only nod on his chest and closed his eyes listening to his lover's heartbeat.

“kookie, why don't you just handle that Michael and jun-seo to the cop?’’

“we already have discussed this  darling, we can't’’


“there is no but and all, let me just go with my plan according’’ as he copp up with his cellphone and brought up to his ear to talk with someone

The bell ring for two times and the person who pick up

“start with the plan, Boss’’

Here tae being confused all about this, but when jungkook said he will handle and he will, he shouldn't be interfere in it.

“baby, open that drawer’’ jungkook points at the side of his desk drawer.

Tae lazily opened it, there he found jungkook's favorite thing in it A Gun

Tae gasped a little, well it's not at all new for him, he saw it many times
but it's scary though

Tae looked at his lover who signals him to get that, he picked it up in his hands that metallic thing, which was heavy for his soft hands.

He was literally shivering cause of the thing which is in his hand, moving his gaze from gun to his lover which was assuring him

But soon it was turning it into dark!

Tae felt some tight grip on his lower back. Jungkook gropes his ass cheeks and spank on it one time which results into him moaning

Tae's eyes met with jungkook, which was turning red, which was filled with anger, rage. He couldn't handle that sharp stare---

For a quick second of time, tae's was on the glass table from jungkook's lap, and the gun which is no longer In his hands but to jungkook

Jungkook grab tae by his throat putting more pressure on it making tae watery by his eyes

Jungkook was wiping off his tears, while putting pressure on his hold of his throat, he couldn't even speak or anything

Suddenly he leave his throat and make him stand on his feet and said

“some important business should be done in partnership, will cause profit for both’’ tae cocked his eyebrows as he being confused for what he heard

Without telling me any further jungkook pulled my hands and now we were inside his private lift, as we entered, he click on 'g' floor

Not understanding why he was so angry and where he taking me and also his important business

Getting out of left, he straight took me to his car, kind of dragging me.
He hand over car keys to me making me more confused over his action

He seated at the passenger seat indicating me to drive

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now