12. Why it can't be dream?

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"beautiful! We are here, back to our home" said Michael, while tae who stood silent there, remembering his horrible past, the incident which happens with him here only

He didn't pay any attention to Michael's words, but he looked at the only room which only gave him the peace, he gave quick look Michael, and ran towards the room

The only room which can save him from the beast standing front of him
He hates, he hates he remembers everything,

Michael was stood confused, he understood the meaning of that gaze, but for his surprise, taehyung was inside the room with Locked himself

"Beautiful... Open the door!" The bang the door with his large hands, there tae who was inside, sacred all, shivering


"You were dead, I had seen with my bare eyes ... You ... You can't be alive" sacred jungkook said

"No... Darling No, i was never dead.. don't be sacred of me .. come to your uncle!" Jungkook shook his head as no, as he slide on the floor moving backward more and more

Only person can make jungkook this much weak, helpless, which is, his uncle who is obsessed with him, who haunt him in his childhood, in his teenager age, his all life his uncle was dangerous to our jungkook

He cried and cried, he knew he can't do anything, but he can, he can fight back, but it all reminds him all his past, which stops him, sacred him, he hold himself that much infront of his uncle, that he couldn't even help himself from that bloody monster.

"After a long year darling.. I've got you" jun-seo, his uncle spoke with barely audible voice, he was enjoying the state he made of jungkook

He trail his hands on jungkook's thighs, till it was on his point, he wasn't even trying to stop him, he froze on his touch it was disgusting, he wanted to wash up

Jun-seo wasn't getting satisfied, cause jungkook wasn't giving any reaction to him, but instead he was all stunned with blank face.

Jun- seo stop all his actions, as he lean close to jungkook's face and grabbed him by his jaw, "aren't you sacred of me now?" He asked with greeted teeth as he put more pressure onto the skin.

Jungkook still didn't hissed in pain, nor he make any painful noise, he just stare at him, with no emotions

He looks at his uncle, as he trying to process how to escape from here, he was sacred, but right now he have to fight back not for him but for his lover, his taehyung

He got freed himself from grip of jun-seo, he didn't break eye contact with him, out of sudden he harshly pushed his uncle on floor and got up from the dusty floor and ran where as he can

His uncle just chuckled at himself, but didn't but didn't get him, let him leave.

Jungkook finally was out of that place, where his uncle and he was.
He huffed a little and catch for the breathe, he was now standing at road side at same, where he Balck out, suddenly pain rushed over his shoulder, he looked at his side and found, bullet just goes did only cut, didn't go through to his skin, and his wound was covered with bandage it means his uncle did it

He didn't paid anymore attention, instead he searched for his bike, which was parked somewhere

" Baby, I'm coming for you!"


"Why it can't be dream? Why has to happen with us?
We just met... We fought for each other" words came out of taehyung's shivering lips, as he pull his knees towards his face, as he tries not to make any noise

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now