23. Search of Tae

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"koo~" tae moans as jungkook sucked on his skin more

"Baby, you wait here, I'll be back" as tae stands there observing the marks given by his kook

After some minutes jungkook came back, and picked him in bridal style, tae was shedding tears.

"Don't cry, my baby, we didn't even start" now this is much scary. Jungkook placed tae on bed like a feather he is

"Baby, it's time, you wait, I have make an important call" jungkook dial jin's contact, for ringing some minutes he picked up the call

"Hello ~"

"Yes, jungkook?"
He was getting teary, there was Namjoon siting beside him along with jimin too.

"Jin hyung, i was trying to connect with tae, but he is not picking up my calls, will you please tell me where he is?" Listening this jin choke into his saliva

"Hyung, you okay?" Jimin snacthed the cell-phone from jin

"Ohh! jungkook hyung is not feeling well, and you were asking about tae, yaa, he is sleeping with yoongi, yes!" There jungkook just smirk and looked at his babyflower who was infront of him listening this.

"Ok, let him rest, make sure he is safe there, good night" jungkook disconnect the call and move to his baby flower

"Why are you doing this koo? Don't you think whatever you doing if it come out, what will they do with you,
Koo please think"

Jungkook caress his hairs, and made tae to lay on bed and lies beside him, hugging tightly.

"Koo, I know you are doing this for us, but you are fooling them, if the will come to know about this, they will think you are an pyscho"

Taehyung was so irritate by jungkook's silence, he was just staring at him not even answering or saying anything.

"Baby, kiss me" he roars towards his lips. Tae lean close to him, held his face

"Jungkook, please baby-- jungkook himself smashed his lips on him, not letting tae to complete his words

"Jungkook, please baby-- jungkook himself smashed his lips on him, not letting tae to complete his words

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"Koo, please"

"When I said no, then it's no, now just sleep, tomorrow I have some work to do" tae hmm and closed his eyes, putting his head on jungkook's chest

"Everything will be fine" tae humm against his chest

Tae pov:
I don't know what has happened to him, he was never like this, or he was?
He is so different, can't he just behave like a normal person he is
Right now he is sleeping like a child
But before some minutes...
I don't why he did that car blast, took me here, fooling Hyungs, they must me looking for me everywhere, must be scared, but see, I'm here all fine
Firstly i thought jungkook is doing something wrong with me, but I know he will never.
I'm not scared, I'm just worried, If he really wants us to live here alone than he chooses the wrong way to this, we could have to talk with our elders, but no, but firstly I have make his understand.

𝐉𝐤:𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 [ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ]♡Where stories live. Discover now