Chapter 9

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Ciel's pov;

She has been asleep for two weeks. What happened? She freaked out and blood.. Thank god she's fine now.

But she's still unconcius.

"Sebastian is she alright?" I ask the third time today. He nods and pours tea to me. "Were going to France today my lord" he says and gives me my tea.

I dont want to leave her.

But my job is my job.

Sigh. "Indeed." I say and get back to my work.

Brett's pov;

Shouldnt you wake up already?

Its going to be hot soon.

I dont want to see your beatifull ashes just yet.

So please dear wake up.

I bolt up fast looking around me. Smoke everywhere. I smell fire.

I stand up and run to my wardrobe. I pull out pants and shoes and a shirt. I quickly change from my nightgown to them and run to the hallway.


I run to Ciels room. Empty.

The fire is spreading fast. I have to run outside. I start to gough and scream everyones names. "Miss?!" I hear somebody yell. I look behind me to see Bard. He quickly runs to me and graps me by my waist.

"Wheres Ciel?" I yell and try to strugle. "Hes alright" he says and I stop strugling. We get outside fast. Bard puts me down and I turn to see everyone looking worried.


Ciel? Sebastian?

"Where are they?!" I gough. "They are in France Milady. Now lets get to the town" Tanaka says and walks over to me.

The walk to town takes ages.

We arrive to see whole London on fire.

Black things flying up.


"Oh god!" I yell. Everyone is as shocked as I am but I am the only one able to see souls.

I run to the town not caring about the servants.

I see dead bodies everywhere. I look up to see the starter of the fire.

"Pluto!?" I scream and he looks back at me. His eyes are red. Soulles. Hes gone..

I run to him. "Im sorry.." I whisper and I set him in my blue flames. He turns into his human shape and soon hes only pile of ash.

I feel tears streaming down my cheecks.

Dont feel sorry.

This was my gift for you!

I will make London pure for both of us!
Your brother is.. Quite facinating.

I look around me. "Dont hurt Ciel!" I scream.

But he isnt pure.

He isnt good for you.

I scream but stop. I see white feathers surround me.

Angel lands infront of me. "Angela!" I yell and back away. I burst into my blue flames.

"We meet again, Brett Phantomhive" she says smiling. "You.. You were the one talking to me! You.. Wheres my brother!" I yell.

"Tsk. Let me show you" she says and turns into Ash. "Y-you!? Ho-how?!" I say and back away. "We have always been the same person" she/he says.

My vision blacks out but Im awake. Suddenly it comes back and Im on a bridge or so. I am standing next to Ash who is holding me tight to him. I see Sebastian looking furius and Ciel is behind him. "Ciel!" I yell and try to get out of Ashes grib.

He just laughs and holds me tighter to him.

"Good to see you Earl Phantomhive" he says and bowes slightly making me bow too. "Let her go!" Ciel yells but Ash just laughs more.

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