Chapter 25

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After Alois intruduced me I saw Finny running to Ciel. If I will just be quiet Alois wont order Claude..
Alois smirked as he noticed Ciel. "Now go Vivian and get him to the garden" Alois said. "I do not want to be part of your plan" I say glaring at him. He chuckles. "I can order Claude to kill you then, youre useless if you do not help me" he says and I sigh.

I start to walk torwards Ciel who is talking to Finny. Sebastian notices me and whispers something to Ciel. Ciel turns to look at me. He walks over casually but when he gets to me he hugs me thightly.

Dont hug back.. Alois will notice.

I smile sadly to Ciel. "Leave please" I say and he looks at me in shock. "Brett what is this!" He whisper shouts to me. "He will kill me.." I whisper back. "Why dont you leave with me then?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I love Claude" as I say it I feel something burning on my cheeck. Ciel had slapped me.

Everything in this past year came flooding in my mind.

Life is so confusing.

My life is so confusing.

What is all this? Everytime something good happens it dissapears by my mistakes.

When I got my brother back I felt that my life could be good for now.

Elizabeth was crying on a bench. Not from sadness, happiness. I saw a tall man facing his back to me. He had raven black hair and he wore a butler suit.

Next to him was a boy. Boy that I knew.

"Ciel" I whispered.

When I first met Claude everything was great.

I bumb into someone. I look up to the man I bumbed into. "I am so sorry" I say. Infact Im not that sorry. "It okay Milady. Ill forgive you if you will share this dance?" He asks offering his hand and he smiles.

He has black raven hair, glasses, butler suit thats fancier than Sebastian and you cant almost see it as butlers suit, slightly glowing golden eyes.

"Your soul is intresting, I shall not eat it before it has been in its full bloom, like this flower" he says and my cheecks start to heat up.

Claude wanted to save me.

"Sebastian!" I yell and he stops running. Brett runs behind me. "What were you doing?" I ask my bowing butler. "My lord another demon entered the house. I lured it to sigh by Miss Brett" he says. "You could have told me about that!" Brett hisses.

The truth about my father and about my family.

"You shouldnt have known that" Madam sighed. I looked up at her and she looked as disgusted as father had always been. "My sister didnt know what she wanted, nobody wanted you! Only that evil man wanted you" she said angrily. "Dont say things like that about my father!!" I screamed. Ciel held me in place so I didnt attack her.

I murdered my own aunt.

"Brett dont come closer" Ciel mumbled and I just glared at Madame. "Brett darling! Please Im your loving aunt, you wouldnt want to hurt me?" She sais as she backed away from me. "Youre not loving but I donot want to hurt you" I said and she sighed in relief. "I want to kill you!" I screamed and set her on fire. I tooked her by her throat and pinned her to a wall. She strugled and screamed but I didnt stop.

Ash invading my mind.

Shouldnt you wake up already?

Its going to be hot soon.

I dont want to see your beatifull ashes just yet.

So please dear wake up.

I bolt up fast looking around me. Smoke everywhere. I smell fire.

Flashbacks of Ash.

"You jerk! I hate you! That was my first!" I scream to his face. His expression turns into an amused one.

My lieing to Ciel.

"Brett?" I ask and she looks at me.
"Its okay Ciel. Everything is fine" she said and flashed me a painfull, forced smile.

I didnt believe the people who have always told the thruth to me.

I didnt believe him. I couldnt. After that dream nothing felt real. I told hin I would be right down there in a minute. He left smiling and I closed the door.

I met him again.

He tooked one flower and walked over to me with it. "You remind me of her" he says and puts the flower behind my ear.

The pain.

"Brett!" I heard somebody yell over my screams. I couldnt stop screaming it hurt so much. "Make it stop! I yelled and then my body started to shake. "Sebastian make that music stop!" Ciel yelled and he walked over to me. My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes, red and blurry. Was I crying blood? Thats not good.

More lies.

"You lied to me! Are you even my sister!?" Ciel spat at me angrily.

A mistake that I made.

"Thank you Lord Trancy for letting me stay here" I said and bowed my head at the same time. Alois looked shocked and Claude was smirking proudly.

I wanted to turn into something diffrent.

"Good morning Lady Vivian" Claude's sweet voice purred in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked into hos sweet golden ones. "Alois is good at picking names" I said as I sat up.
"Actually I suggested it, beatifull name for something so beatifull" he cooed and I blushed. "Arent you sugary today?" I chuckled and he sat next to me.

Lies followed by lies, mistaked followed by another. This was something that would never stop.

"Move on" I say and start to clos emy eyes. "No I cant! You lied to me!" He yells and I snap my eyes open and glare at him. "What did I lie?" I spat. "You promised.. You wouldnt die" he sobs.

Everything was my fault, I knew it before they did.

"Claude.. I can not help Alois" I say and he looks at me. "Why is that?" He asks, slightly annoyed. "He's my brother still.." I say and Claude puts his fingers around my chin. "You are Alois'es brother, Vivian Trancy not Brett Phantomhive" he spats. My eyes widen.

I didnt trust the man I cared for my life.

Woul Claude kill me for his soul? He wouldnt do that would he?

I dont learn. I dont listen. If I only could change things for the better. If I could be with Claude happily but keep Ciel safe and happy too.

If only my wish would come true..

~As you wish, my fair daughter~

This is the end! But seaquel is coming and I am starting to write it right now!! Thanks for over 200 reads again!!

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