Chapter 22

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I love Ciel.

My brother.

But the things he said hurt me.

Hearing about him makes me numb.

I cant ever go back to him.

He sees me as a monster.

"Lady Vivian?" Hannah's annoying voice called. I glared at her. "What!?" I asked and she smirked. "Me and Claude are going to the market, need anything?" She asked. I sighed. "Tell Claude he knows what I want" I said smilinf at her. She glared at me and left me alone in the garden.

The Trancy garden was bigger than..

Stop thinking about him!

I sigh and close my eyes. I now see what my copy sees. Im in control of it now. Ciel is next to me, holding my arm and crying softly. Were in a dark room so he cant see that my eyes are open.

"I didnt mean it! I didnt want this.." he sobs. I feel so bad about this. "Ciel.." I whisper and imidietly regret it. He looks up at me, sadness, happiness and anger flashing in his eyes. "Brett!" He yells and hugs me. I forgot this was my 'still hurt badly' body and I whimper. He lets me go and he looks guilty.

"Oh Ciel why so sad?" I ask smiling warmly at him. "You died!" He yells and Sebastian comes to the room, with the other servants behind him. I hear gasps from them but ignore it and stare at Ciel.

"Move on" I say and start to clos emy eyes. "No I cant! You lied to me!" He yells and I snap my eyes open and glare at him. "What did I lie?" I spat. "You promised.. You wouldnt die" he sobs.


"Brett dont die!" Ciel yells at me. I had been dead for two minutes, from drowning but my inner flames boiled the water away. "I wont Ciel.." I choke out. The burning feeling too much to bear.

"Promise me you wouldnt ever die!" He yells. "Promise.." I whisper and faid into darkness.

I feel tears slid down my cheecks as I look down to my lap. "Im not dead Ciel, only that day I was dead but this body you see is fake.. I must go now" I say and start to transform into my own body, making the copy burn away in my blue flames.

I told you Ciel hate wouldnt last long!! I havenr uploaded for four days so heres a short chappy! ;3

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