Chapter 12

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These chapters will be kinda boring and sad..

None's pov;

"Agni! Somebody is at the door!" A bratty prince yelled for his servant. "Yes my Prince!" the princes servant said and ran to the door.

The door opened ans the servant gasped at the sight. There was a crying girl who was looking at the ground. She was sobbing silently but they were heard. Her hair was a mess and so were her noble clothes.

"Ciel told me to give this to Soma" she said and handed Agni a letter. "Please come in!" Agni rushed and she walked inside calmly. She instantly went into the living room where Soma was eating curry buns. Soma raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"Why does these filthy english people always come and ask for shelter!" Soma yelled flipping his arms in the air.

"This is my house, my name is Brett Phantomhive" the girl snapped and sat down on one of the sofas. Both of the men shared confused glanses.

Brett's pov;

I looked down to the floor, feeling that I am going to burst into tears soon. "Lady Brett would you like some tea?" The white haired man asked. I nodded silently and he left the room.

"Umh.. So wheres your brother?" The man that I think is Soma asked. I stiffend and slowly looked up with my teary, red, puffy eyes.

He stiffend and he looked apotelight.
"Hes gone.." I whispered looking back to the floor. I saw the floor getting wet by my tears.

"Im so so sorry.." Soma said and I felt two pairs of arms around me. I looked slightly up to see Soma hugging me from front and his servant from behind. After some time I leaned to Soma's shoulder and cried into him.

"Agni give me that letter" Soma commanded his servant as he let go of me. He still sat next to me, holding me tightly to him.

He opened the letter and started reading. After couple of minutes he stiffened and sobbed. "Donot worry Brett.. I will stay with you" he said hugging me again.

"What did it say.." I said between sobs. "He asked me to take care of you, keep you safe" he answered and I nodded keeping my head low.

Ciel would say something about me being unlady like crying infront of a prince.

I chuckled as I remembered his comments on me. Soma looked at me confused. "Sorry, I just remembered that Ciel would comment something me being unlady like" I sighed and leaned to Soma. He was stiff for a moment but the he rubbed my back and leaned to me.

"Theres somebody at the door" Agni said and I wiped my tears away. Soma went to sit infront of me and told Agni to let the person inside.

"Soma! And Brett?" Lao greeted akwardly. I havent seen Lao in a long time. "Wheres the dog? Why do you look so down?" He asked and Ran Mao was soon standing next to him. She noticed me and quickly came next to me. She started wiping my make-up off and replaced it with new one.

"Thank you" I said after she finished. "Pretty" she mumbled and went to sir on Lao's lap, who was now sitting next to me. "Ciel's dead.." Soma answered for me. I stiffened, moving my gaze to the floor.

Why didnt I just give my soul to Sebastian? I could have saved him!

I sobbed silently, not crying. "Oh" was the only thing Lao said. His face was serius for a moment but then he smiled. "Then Brett would you like to work for me?" He asked and I glared at him. "How does my brothers death make me inneed of a job!" I yelled at him and he raised his eyebrows. "Brothers? Ciel is your brother?" He asked confused. "I thought a maid" Ran Mao mumbled.

"He didnt tell you?" I asked. I was as confused as them.

Was Ciel hiding me? Didnt he want me? Was I just a servant to everyone?!

Thoughs racing in my mind I excused my self and ran upstairs to my room.

Ciel... Why?

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