Chapter 13

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After a long bath I dressed up and walked downstairs. Soma and Agni were talking about something. I stopped and listened what they said.

"The mannor has burned down Soma" Agni said. "Lets go help them build it then! Brett cannot stay here forever" Soma said. I smiled to myself. "Oh lady Brett!" Agni greeted me as I walked into the living room.

"Hello" I sinply replied and sat down next to Soma, on one of the sofas.
"We are going to go help at the mannor, it has burned down" Soma explained to me. I nodded. "Again" I sighed and stood up. "So lets go shall we?" I said smiling and they smiled back.


After we arrived at the mannor I was greeted by the servants. Finny and Mey-Rin cried and hugged me and Bard was just... Being Bard.

They were already building the mannor and they said that somebody has been secretly helping them. I smiled after they said that.

Maybe Sebastian has feelings.

Aftee couple of days the mannor was finished. We bought new furniture and Soma moved in with Agni. Elizabeth visited but I didnt want to see her right now.


There was a knock on my window. I slowly stood up from my bed and looked torwards it. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains.

I raised and eyebrow and smiled. "Hello Sebastian" I said as I opened thw window for him. He smiled and stepped inside with a case in his hands. I sat down on the edge of my bed. "What are you doing in your room all day Milady?" He asked smirking.

I sighed and shaked my head. "Thinking of things. You know, Ciel, death.." I trailed of at the end off the sentance.

He raised and eyebrow and kneeled down and opened the case. My eyes widened as I saw my sleeping brother alive there. I looked at Sebastian in shock.

"Somebody tooked his soul away" he said disgusted and angrily. Who would want to lose their food?

I kneeled down next to Ciel and caressed his cheeck. "So what now?" I asked not looking away from Ciel.
"I dont know" he sighed and rubbed his head. "I know this is rude but.. Could you leave?" I asked now looking at him. He looked at me shocked but then smirked.

"Not until I get the soul I wanted. He also has lost his memories. Not all of them, he still remembers you" he says and I sigh.
"So this isnt over yet.." I mutter and look at Ciels peacefull face.

I donot want to lose you again. I will do everything for it.


Thats when I wake up panting furiusly. I shake my head and wipe my tears away. "A dream" I mutter under my breath and sigh.

I glance to the clock and see its 07:00. I sigh and stand up. I walk to my closet and pick my clothes.

I put on a red dress with black ribbons all over it. "It was too good to be true" I say to myself as I brush my hair. Suddenly somebodh burstes through the door. I see a panting Finny crying and smiling.

"Master Ciel is back!"

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