Chapter 21

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"Good morning Lady Vivian" Claude's sweet voice purred in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked into hos sweet golden ones. "Alois is good at picking names" I said as I sat up.
"Actually I suggested it, beatifull name for something so beatifull" he cooed and I blushed. "Arent you sugary today?" I chuckled and he sat next to me.

"You dont like it?" He pouted like a little kid. "Oh please dont stop" I said and kissed his cheeck. "You need to get dressed Milady" he said and handed me a beatifull golden dress, with purple waist ribbon.

"Thank you" I said and stood up from the bed. Claude just standed next go me, staring at me. "Out" I said and he whined. "Pleeeeaase?" "Not today" I sais smirking and he left with a smile on his face.

When he had closed the door I stripped and went to the bathroom. I bathed and putted my clothes on.

I left the room and went downstairs. I was greeted by three servants, triplets. "Good morning... Can I ask your names?" I asked politely. They all looked at me like I was a weardo. "Timber" one said. "Thompson" "Canteburry" they said after eah other. "Well good morning Timber, Canteburry and Thompson" I sais smiling to them with my eyes closed.

"Trancy brat is waiting" Timber said and the others gasped. I held one finger to my lips. "I wont tell about your mistake" I said smiling, suprisingly they smiled back. I knew they were demons too, like Claude and that whore Hannah.

They showed me the way to the dining room. Alois was already there, smiling devilishy at me. I smiled back, in more like an angel smile and sat down next to him. "So Vivian.. Slept well?" Alois asked me. "Thank you for asking Earl, I slept very well" I said politely. "Call me Alois, or brother! Because from now on your name shall be Vivian Trancy" he said smiling at me.

I was shocked but happy. "Well little brother~ What are we going to do today?" I cooed at him. His eyes held rage and disgust for a moment but then softened, filled with happiness and sadness.

"We are planning on how to get Ciel to me..." he said guiltily. I felt nothing at the mention of Ciel. He was no brother to me enymore. Oh no he was my biggest enemy. "Brother.. Dont be guilty! Let me think of difrent ways of torture after breakfast" I said and he looked shocked and smiled at me sweetly.

Now I am Vivian Trancy. I have never been anything else.

Did you like this chapter? Sorry for all the hate for Ciel but I just got to do it! You will understand in later chapters!

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