Chapter 17

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We walked together to the garden and I kneeled down next to my favorite colour flowers. The black flowers.. I have loved them since I met Claude.

"I once met this girl, she was mysterius and beatifull, she was funny and I enjoyed being with her.. She loved those flowers. But then I was stupid and left her because I was afraid shw might reject me" the butler said from behind. I turned my head to look at him and stood up.

He tooked one flower and walked over to me with it. "You remind me of her" he says and puts the flower behind my ear.

I was shocked. His voice, deep and charming. The way he putted the flower behind my ear and the way he looked at me with his golden eyes..

"Claude?" I whispered. The man tensed for a moment and I looked back into his eyes.

"I once met this man, Claude, he was mysterius and diffrent from others. He made me feel perfect and loved. I forgot my depression and bad thoughts for him. Then I did something stupid and I never saw him again" I said. I felt a tear fall down on my cheeck and the man got closer to me.

He wiped the tear away with his thumb. "Her name was Brett" he said and I looked up to him shocked. He removed his mask and I noticed he was Claude. He then removed my mask and smiled to me.

"You didnt do anything wrong, I did, forgive me" he said as he caressed my cheeck with his palm. "I almost killed myself, I regretted that I ever was born.." I whispered and looked down quiltyly. He stiffened and he was shocked. He lifted my chin so I would look him in the eyes.

His eyes held the look of quilt, sadness and heartbroke. "Never do that again! I donot want to lose you again" he said and kissed me. He pulled my body close and putted his hands on my waist.

I putted my hands behind his head and caressed his hair. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever and soon broke the kiss. "I love you" I whispered as I looked into his golden eyes that flashed their real demon colour for second. "I love you too" he whispered and his head soon got up and he looked around.

"My master is calling" he said annoyed. "I wont leave" I said and sat down next to the black flowers.
He then ran off with inhuman speed.

"Miss you should get inside, the show is about to start" a maid of the estate said kindly to me. "Sorry, I promised Claude I would wait him right here.." I said gaizing down to the flowers, smiling to myself. The woman was smirking down to me.

"I work along Claude, I think he would enjoy if youd watch the show" she said smiling. "Okay" I answered and stood up. We walked together back inside and I sat down.

What is Hannah thinking? Going to update tomorrow again :)

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