Chapter 23

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I open my eyes in my normal body to see Claude's worried ones.
"Vivian?" He asks, his voice cracking a bit. "Yes?" I ask, my voice is hoarse. "You werent breathing for two hours" he says and I look at him shocked. "But.. How!?" I ask myself.

It had only tooked twenty minutes or so to talk to Ciel. I should have waked at my body imidietly. "Never so that again" Claude whispered and I cupped his face with my hands. "I will not die this easy" I say smiling. He smiles back.

Were still in the garden, the sun is starting to set and Claude is sitting next to me.

As we sit there, watching the sun set, I start to think. I am supposed to help Alois get Ciel.. What will he do to him? I cant help him enymore.. Why are my feelings so complicated?!

"Claude.. I can not help Alois" I say and he looks at me. "Why is that?" He asks, slightly annoyed. "He's my brother still.." I say and Claude puts his fingers around my chin. "You are Alois'es brother, Vivian Trancy not Brett Phantomhive" he spats. My eyes widen.

"I cant" I plead and his eyes soften. "He ordered me.. To make you help him.." he says sadly. I lean to him and put my hands around his neck. "Dont worry, I will talk to Alois" I say and he looks worriedly at me.


Alois has a ball this night and Hannah wants to help me pick a dress that will not show enyone who I am.

"Purpple is disgusting" I say as Hannah shows me a purpple dress. She glares at me.

"Fine. What would you like?" She says innocently. "Shock blue dress would be good" I say and she nods. Then she hands me a beatifull long dress. "Thats great" I say fakely.

She leaves the room and I put on the dress. Then I look at a razor that sits on my make-up table. I take it and cut my hair shorter. Shoulder lenght. When Im satysfied with it I do my make up and put some hair over my face.

Hopefully nobody notices me.

I walk downstairs to see everyone already partying. Alois walks over to me, smiling happily.

"Lets inruduse you Vivian" he says and I nod. We walk to the edge of the stairs and Claude gets everyones atension. "Welcome to this ball to selebrate my lost sisters reappearing! Meet Vivian Trancy!" He shouts so everyone can hear. I smile and bow my head.

"Thats lady Brett" a familiar voice whispers. I lift my gaze to look straight into Finnians eyes. 'Dont' I mouth but he is alreay running torwards... Ciel.

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