Chapter 18

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The maid walked to the middle of the room. There was a strange instrument and then she started to play it. It sounded beatifull but something inside me told me to run away from it.

I decided to listen but I noticed people were starting to hold their heads in pain. At the moment I started to feel pain in my head. I looked atound and saw that the guests were attacking Soma and Agni, Meyrin, Bard and Finny.

I started to feel a comforting burning sensation pulse through my body.

The same feeling what I have when Im playing with my flames..

Oh god I have to get out of here!

I started to panick and I looked for and exit. I held my head in pain and started running torwards the main door. Agni ran torwards me. "Dont come closer!" I screamed and srarted running faster.

"Im sorry" Agni said sadly and hit me in my neck. My body was turning limb but I kept running. Agni looked at me confused and turned away to fight people. I ran to the door and opened it with the last bits of my strenght. I stumbled the stairs down and fell to the hard ground.

I still had to hold my head because the music didnt stop. I screamed as my flames surged through my body. My flames have never been this big and agressive.

The flames were taking too much energy and I was still going limb. I screamed as the flames got higher and I couldnt hold myself enymore. My body moved on its own as the horrible wawes of pain washed over me over and over again. I closed my eyes in pain.

"Brett!" I heard somebody yell over my screams. I couldnt stop screaming it hurt so much. "Make it stop! I yelled and then my body started to shake. "Sebastian make that music stop!" Ciel yelled and he walked over to me. My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes, red and blurry. Was I crying blood? Thats not good.

Ciel's hand was getting near my face. "Dont touch it!" I scream and he immidietly steps back. "Ciel just go inside, help then stop it" I say as my screams turn into sobs. I am losing my voice. Ciel hesitates for a moment but runs inside. Soon the music turns into more comforing one and stops completely.

I start to feel my body and I get up. I held my hand near me and look to the ground. I try to put the fire down but it doesnt work. I just stare at the ground and see blood under me.

"Sebastian whats happening to her!" I hear Ciel say and I lift my head. "I think Lady Brett hasnt told us something" Sebastian says. He looks scared for a moment?

Am I that powerfull, so a demon would fear me?

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