Chapter 19

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I hang my head in shame. "I didnt want to tell you... Im a monster" I cried and looked at my brother. Sebastian looked at me in disgust and he whispered something into my brothers ear. Then Sebastian smirked and Ciel frowned.

"You lied to me! Are you even my sister!?" Ciel spat at me angrily. I stepped backwards at his sudden outburst and his expression softened for a second but hardened when Sebastian whispered something else.

"You burned the manor down!" Ciel yelled and I looked at him and Sebastian in shock. "Ciel you know I didnt do it! You know it damn well and your butler is telling you dirty lies! You lost your memory Ciel! Madame is dead, so is many other people because you made that damned deal with the devil!" I screamed and now Sebastian looked angry. "I would never lie to my master" he spat at me.

"Madame is dead? I dont think so" Ciel said and then I was mad. "Ciel dont make me mad" I said trying to calm myself. "I donot take orders from you" Ciel said and thats when I lost it.

I bursted into flames and I screamed in joy of the power. Ciel went behind Sebastian who tooked knifes out of his pockets. "Sebastian this is an order! Knock her out!" He yelled and I looked at him in sorrow. "Ciel what have you done" I said and he just glared at me.

I screamed as one of Sebastians knifes hitted my arm. I bled badly but I was a fast healer. Ciel looked afraid. "Sebastian I didnt say you could hurt her!" He yelled. "Ciel its too late. Brett Phantomhive is gone. You have no family left" I said and tooked the knofe out of my arm. I hitted it straight to my heart.

"No!" Ciel yelled. I smiled a little and letted my body fall to the ground. I quickly made a copy of my body and made my real body invisible. I stood up and tooked the knife out of me. I held back tears as the pain made me collapse.


I was putting on my make-up for the Trancy Ball. I started thinking about how great it would be if there could be two of me. I didnt want to go to that ball at all.

Suddenly I felt my energy drain and I saw myself on the floor. 'Stand up' I thought and it did. So I could command it. I heard a knock on my door and I panicked. The door was opening and I though about the copy dissapearing but then I turned invicible. 'Hi Sebastian' I though and it said. It did excactly what I wanted it to do and it was so real.

Flashback end;

That was when I discovered my two new powers. I stood up shakily and looked at the scene. Sebastian and Ciel looked shocked. A tear came from Ciels eye. My body was still smiling and eyes were open and watery. It wasnt breathing or moving. The copy would dissapear when I wanted it to.

"Brett why did you.." Ciel whispered.
Sebastian looked hungrily at my body. 'Crap. Hope he doesnt notice I dont have a soul' I though. "She has no soul in her body master" Sebastian said and I held my breath. I knew they couldnt hear me at all but I was so nervous. "My fault" Ciel said and he wiped his tears away. Just then the front door of the mannor opened.

Agni, Soma, Lizzie and the servants camd running down. "Ciel!" Lizzie screamed happily. She froze as she saw my body and Ciel turned around slowly. He looked angry and sad at the same time.

Soma gasped and Agni followed. Mey-rin, Finny and Bard had tears in their eyes. Lizzie started crying and she hugged her servant, Paula who was comforting her. Tanaka, whow as also there, turned into his normal self and he also had tears in his eyes but he let none fall.

I smiled because I knew they cared about me. "What is going on here!?" A blond boy yelled from the door as he stood there with Claude by his side.

They walked down and went past the crying people. They went infront of Sebastian and Ciel. "Whos she?" The blond asked annoyed. "My sister" Ciel said and Claude looked down to the body. His eyes showed so many diffrent emotion. "What happened" he questioned in his deep voice. "None of your business!" Ciel spat. "A body on my land? I think this is my business" the blonde spat back.

"She killed herself" Sebastian said emotionesly. 'I never liked you enyway' I thought. Claude looked shocked and hurt. I went by his side and whispered into his ear. "My spider~ Im not going down thate asily and you know it" I whispered and his eyes lit up. He looked around and I grapped his hand. As I grapped it he could see me but nobody else could. He smirked down to me and acted like I wasnt there. "Smart boy" I said and nobody heard it. Claude shushed but I just giggled. "Dont worry they cant hear me. Part of my abilityes" I said and he nodded slightly.

"Well clean ip the body and the blood from here" the blonde said and left to go inside. "Come on Claude~" he sang. Claude sighed and we started following the boy. 'Hes Alois Trancy, my master' Claude's voice said in my thoughts. "What a Brat" I spat and he mentally chuckled. 'Yes, and the only thing he wants is your brother' he said mentally. "Would he mind my staying at here?" I asked and Claude thought for a while. "Highness" Claude said bowing his head.

"What now" Alois asked raising an eyebrow. "Would you mind if a friend of mine would stay at your mannor for some time?" Claude asked still bowing his head. "I donot mind if it makes you sleep at night Claude" Alois said. "Well my Highness I donot sleep but this will help me" Claude said smirking.

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