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Harrison's POV
When Izzy said it was time, I saw red. I was ready to kill Owen. I dropped from the tree I was in and took off running. I can see Owen standing there with his claws out, getting ready to kill the first guy. Before Owen even knew what hit him, I had him down on the ground.

"Harrison, you can't kill him yet. You're not ready," Julius said as he pulled me off of Owen. Owen jumped up. "So this pup thinks he is going to be the one to kill me," Owen laughed. "I am the one that will kill you," I growled. "And just who are you, pup?" Owen smirked. He thinks he is insulting me by calling me a pup, but he's not.

I smiled as I looked at Owen. "You'll love this. I'm Izzy Lockwoods, mate, The next Alpha of the Emerald Pack. By the way, I'm also Hailey's son," I said proudly. I loved seeing his face go from confusion to shock and understanding to pure rage. He is not happy. "You're lying," he growled. "About which part?" I smirked. "Hailey is not your mother," he said through gritted teeth. "Look at me. Are you going to say I don't resemble her? You know that I am. It's funny that the mate you now want is mated to the son of the mate you used to want," I laughed.

Now I know I'm just poking the bear. I'm pissing him off on purpose. If I can't kill him yet, I want to see at least what he's got; just a little recon for the main event. Owens's eyes turn solid black before he lunges at me. I step out of the way just in time. He stumbles to the ground. He gets up with his fangs out. He is literally foaming at the mouth. "I will kill you," he growls before he lounges at me again.

I brace myself for the impact that never comes. I look over, and my dad has Owen on the ground. "Don't touch my fucking son," Dad growls. Owen kicks him off of him. "You're the one that stole Hailey from me," he growled. "I didn't steal her. She was my mate, and she came willingly.  She wanted as far away from you as possible. We had a beautiful life and have a beautiful son. She loved me and wanted me. She hated you and wanted nothing to do with you. You tried to fucking rape her," Dad growled as he extended his claws.

Owen lunged at my dad as my dad lunged at him. They collided with an unbelievable force. "Dad, what are you doing?" I linked him. Dad was ripping into Owen. Owen wasn't leaving a mark on my dad, which I couldn't understand. He was landing blows, but it was as if they did not affect my dad. I quickly looked around and noticed no one in our group had a mark on them. "Izzy is shielding us all," Brock linked me. I looked at where we came out of the trees. I see Izzy, Celeste, and Serina holding hands with closed eyes.

Suddenly, Izzy starts falling. As soon as I step to go to her, I hear a howl behind me. I turn around, and Owen has his claws in my dad's stomach. I lunge at him and rip him away from my dad. I start pounding into Owen's face. He is lying there, covered in blood and unconscious. Now's the time. I extend my claws and slice his neck open. I stand up, reach my hand into his chest, and rip his heart out. I am covered in blood.

"Harrison, we have to get your father to the hospital now," Julius says as he pulls me away from Owen. I ran to my father. He is bleeding badly. I pull my shirt off and apply pressure to his wound. "Dad, you're going to be ok. Just hang on," I said as I felt the tears build in my eyes. "Did you kill him?" Dad asked. "Yes, Dad, I did," I replied. "Good. I'm proud of you. I've always been proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your mother sooner. I promised her I wouldn't tell you. She wanted to keep you safe. She loved you, Harrison, and she would be so proud of you," Dad said as tears began to run down his face.

"It's ok, Dad. I know why you had to keep it a secret. I understand, and I'm not mad at you. You both did what was best for me. Thank you for keeping me safe. I don't need you to protect me anymore, but I need you here. You have to stay with us to meet your grandchild," I whispered. Dad's eyes got so big. "What?" he asked. "Izzy doesn't know yet. Before I woke, the goddess told me Izzy was pregnant and to keep her safe. You're going to be a grandfather, and I'm going to be a dad. I need you to stay and help me. I need you to show me how to be a great dad just like you," I cried.

"You're going to be an amazing father. I'm so happy for you. I'm going to be a grandpa," Dad smiled before he closed his eyes. "Dad, wake up; you have to wake up and stay with me," I shouted. "Harrison, we have to go now," Julius said as he tugged on my shoulder. "Harrison, give him to me. I'll make it back to the hospital faster than anyone," Julius said as he tried to pry my dad from me. "Harrison, I need you to let go, and you need to go check on Izzy; she needs you," Julius said, breaking me from my trance. "Get him to the hospital; I can't lose him, Julius," I said as I placed my dad in Julius's arms. "You won't. Go to your mate," Julius said before taking off.

I ran straight to Izzy. Celeste was holding Izzy's head in her lap. "What happened?" I asked Celeste. "She used a lot of energy. She needs rest," Celeste replied. I picked Izzy up. "I'm taking her to the hospital," I said before taking off in a full sprint to Moon Shadow Hospital.

I ran with Izzy into the hospital. "What happened?" Fallon asked when she saw me. "I'm not a hundred percent sure. Celeste said she used a lot of energy and needs rest," I replied. "We are packed. Take her to the lounge. They have cots set up there," Fallon said as she looked around.

I took her to the lounge and found an empty cot. I laid Izzy down as Fallon came to look her over. While Fallon was looking over Izzy, I looked around for my dad. "Fallon, where is my dad?" I asked. I was getting worried. He should have been here by now. "He is in surgery," Fallon replied. "How long has he been in surgery?" I asked. "I'm not sure, maybe an hour," she replied.

"Harrison, is she okay?" Andrew asked as he came running into the lounge. "She doesn't seem to have any injuries. Does anyone know what happened?" Fallon asked. "She was casting a shield around everyone so no one got hurt. She used too much energy and passed out," Celeste replied as she walked in.

"I'm glad Izzy wasn't fighting, but she can't be using that much energy in her condition," I stated. "What do you mean?" Drew asked. "Listen, Izzy doesn't know yet, but the goddess told me she is pregnant," I replied. "What? Really?" Andrew asked with the biggest smile.

"Yes. Before I woke up, the goddess told me Izzy was pregnant and to keep her safe," I replied. "That's amazing. Congratulations, man," Drew said as he hugged me. I couldn't help but smile. I have been holding this in, not knowing when to tell Izzy. It's been driving me crazy.

"Excise me, Alpha," A man's voice interested from behind me. I turned around to see Brooke standing there with the man Owen was going to kill. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to thank you. You saved my life. If it weren't for you, I would be dead right now. I would never have got to see my beautiful mate again," He said as he extended his hand to me. I took his hand and shook it. "You must be Kyle. I'm Harrison. I'm just glad we made it in time and that you can be with your mate again," I smiled. "Alpha, thank you so much," Brooke cried.

"Is she ok?" Kyle asked as he looked at Izzy. "Yes, she just needs rest," Celeste replied. "Alpha, My mother was a witch, making me a hybrid. I am a healer. No one knew, though, until I found Brooke and healed her. Owen saw this and kept me by his side. I had to heal him any time he was hurt. If I didn't, he would hurt Brooke. I would love to show my gratitude and help in any way I can," Kyle said as he shook my hand.

"Kyle, usually I wouldn't ask for anything in return, but my father is in surgery and has been for over an hour. I'm afraid something might be wrong. Would you mind taking a look at him for me?" I asked. "I don't mind at all. It's the least I could do. Then, I will help the other wounded. If that's ok?" he asked. "That would be great, thank you," I replied.

Fallon took Kyle to my dad. "I killed Owen," I notified everyone in the room. "We know," Drew replied. "Does this mean it's over?" Andrew asked. "There was more than one reason why Harrison wasn't supposed to kill Owen yet. 1. We honestly didn't think Harrison was ready, but Lewis weakened Owen. 2. We needed to find out what packs were working with him. 3. Where's the rest of his army? That fight was only a quarter of his men. We still need a lot of information. Owen wasn't working alone. We need to find out who was backing him financially. I noticed a lot of expensive equipment at the compound. No matter how many small packs he destroyed, there is no way he should have been able to afford that stuff. I'm afraid this just got a lot harder," Celeste replied.


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