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Today I'm 18 years old. I am so excited to meet my wolf tonight. I graduated high school last month so I will be leaving in a couple of weeks for school, and I can't wait. "Happy Birthday, Izzy," my boss Mr. Rivers said as I walked in for my shift. "Thank you, Mr. Rivers," I replied with a smile. "Any plans today?" He asked. "Nope. Got no one to make plans with," I replied. "I'm sorry," he started to say. I interrupted him by hugging him. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm right where I want to be today."

"So you want to celebrate your birthday by shelving books and reading to the children," he asked with a smile. "Yes, I do. Besides, I only have a few days left here," I replied with a sad smile. I've been working at the town library for three years. Mr. Rivers let me start working with a permit when I was 15. He said since I spent my days here already, I should at least get paid for it. The library has been my sanctuary since I was seven years old. I love to read; it's my escape from my shitty life.

My father is Gamma Andrew Locke of the Emerald Pack. My mother, Mariam, was the female gamma and a teacher. Everyone loved her. I have an older brother Drew. He is a year older than me. When I was seven, my mother died in a horrible car accident. I was heartbroken. I idolized my mother. She was everything to me. I spent weeks isolating myself.

My father turned to alcohol when she died. He wasn't mean or abusive toward us; he just ignored us. He was in his own little world where he was the only occupant. He lost his position as gamma. Since he lost his position we could no longer stay in the pack house. Alpha Lewis asked if we wanted to live with him and his family. Drew decided to stay with the Alpha family. I told him I didn't want to leave my daddy alone, so he moved us into a small cabin about 50 yards from the packhouse. He said he wanted us close so he could check on me and pay our bills. He tried to hire a housekeeper, but I refused. I may have only been seven years old, but I knew what he was doing was far more than what he should have been doing. I didn't want to take advantage. So I learned how to cook, clean and do laundry.

I raised myself. Drew decided to ignore me after moving in with the alpha family. He thought he was too good now, so I stayed to myself. Losing my mother, then losing my father and brother taught me that you can lose anyone anytime. I didn't want to lose anyone else, so I didn't allow anyone else into my life. My little motto is; you can't be hurt over losing someone if you never had anyone to lose. So I spent all my free time at the library, getting lost in my imagination.

As I got older, boys started trying to talk to me. I just ignored them. I guess some would say I am pretty. I have long, straight black hair that reaches just below my butt cheeks with light aqua eyes. Some boys have said I was thick with a thick ass, whatever that fucking means. Honestly, I don't see it. The more I ignored their advances, the angrier they got. Especially Alpha Lewis's son Harrison. He thinks he is the goddess's gift to all females. He has started hating me because I won't give him the time of day. Harrison and the rest of the guys started calling me a snob, a prude, ice queen, and bitch. I didn't care, though. Their name-calling didn't and still doesn't bother me. I just go about my days.

This is why I'm spending my birthday at the library with the only person I consider a friend. "I got you something," Mr. Rivers said with a huge smile as he ran behind his desk. "You didn't have to get me anything, Mr. Rivers," I said as I felt a tear slide down my cheek. He always gets me something for my birthday and Christmas every year, and so does Alpha Lewis. I can't help but get emotional every time they do it. I guess I just expect them to forget, and they never do. It warms my heart that they think of me.

"No crying, Izzy. You deserve to be celebrated one way or another," he said as he handed me a small black box. I wiped my tears and smiled at him. He gave me the box. "Now, before you open it, you have to promise me a couple of things," he said as he kept his hand on the box. "What's that?" I asked. "You have to promise that you will tell me if you like it or not. You have to be honest, and you have to take it. You can't try and give it back," he said with a knowing look. This could only mean one of two things. He either got me something costly or is giving me a lot of money. He knows I hate when he gives me money or expensive gifts.

"I don't know if I can promise that," I replied honestly. "You can and you will," he stated with that look he has when he means that's final. Shit. "Ok, old man," I laughed. "Old man! I'll have you know I look damn good for my age. I'm still pulling in 20 year olds; thank you very much," he replied with a smile. He is a good-looking man. He is almost 50 years old but doesn't look a day over 30. He has blond hair and brown eyes. He takes care of himself. He is in great shape, so I don't doubt him pulling in 20-year-olds. "I so didn't need to hear that," I laughed. "Just open your gift, brat," he laughed

I opened the box and pulled out a set of keys. "What are these too?" I asked. "Follow me," he said as he pulled my hand. He pulled me out back. Sitting behind the library is a beautiful black bronco. "Oh my god! You did not buy me a car?" I shouted excitedly. "Yes, I did," he replied proudly. "Oh, my god. Oh my god," I repeated over and over again. "Listen, you are getting ready to leave for college. You will need a vehicle to get there and to get around after you get there," he stated, very fatherly like.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you I said as I hugged him. "You're very welcome," he laughed. "I love it. It's beautiful," I cried. "Don't cry. You need to take your baby out for a test drive and then go to the packhouse. Alpha Lewis would like to see you," he said as he gently pushed me toward my new Bronco. I smiled at him. "Ok. Thank you so much," I cried as I hugged him again. "You're welcome. Now go," he laughed.

I jumped into the driver's seat. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. I love it. I started her up. She came to life with a purr of the engine. It was beautiful. "Don't come back until tomorrow Izzy; I mean it," Mr. Rivers said as he stepped away from the Bronco. "Um, ok, I'll see you tomorrow," I replied, smiling as I put my baby into gear.

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