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Victor's POV
"Do you have it?" I asked Amanda. "I sure do. Are you ready to be king?" she asked as she kissed me. "Are you ready to be queen?" I asked as I kissed her back. "We've waited long enough. It is our time," Amanda said as she kissed my neck. "Mmm, my queen. You better stop before I bend you over in this back seat," I moaned. "We are here, Alpha," Smith said as we approached the castle. "Show time, baby," I said before stepping out of the car and adjusting myself. I held my hand out to help Amanda step out.

"I'll go to the kitchen. Wait in the guest room down the hall," Amanda said before walking away. Blake, Smith, make sure no one interrupts us. I'll let you know when it's done," I ordered. They both nodded and headed inside. I walked into the castle. "Alpha Victor, how are you?" Beta Edward asked. "I'm good, Edward. How are you?" I asked. "I'm good. What brings you here today?" He asked. "Monthly visit with Phillip," I replied. "It's that time already?" He asked. "Seems so,"I replied with a chuckle. "Gets a bit tedious, doesn't it?" He chuckled. "Naw, not really. Gives me a chance to see my big brother," I replied. "True. Well, I gotta go. Have a good day," Edward smiled. "You too," I replied as he walked away.

As soon as Edward was out of the castle, I made my way to the guest room. Amanda and I agreed on. I sat on the bed and waited patiently for her. Several minutes later, Amanda walks in with a tray of food. She walks to the desk and sets it down. "This poison is untraceable. It has a hint of wolfsbane in it, so he can't link anyone. It will only take a minute or two to take effect. You will leave as soon as he is dead. You will meet me back here. I'll be waiting," Amanda said as she poured the potion over his food.

Amanda then pulled a vial out and drank it. She is always taking some kind of concoction to help with her headaches. "Are you ok? Another headache?" I asked. "I'm good, babe. Tammy, my friend as improved her formula. This potion is so much better and acts faster," Amanda smiled as she put the vial back into her bra. "That's good. I'm glad it's helping. I still think you should see the doctor," I replied as I kissed her forehead. "I don't need to see the doctor. It's just headaches, nothing serious," she replied as she hugged me.
"I hope it's nothing serious. I can't lose you. You are everything to me," I said as I kissed her.

"You're not going to lose me. I love you," she said as she pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too," I replied. "It's time, babe," she said as she handed me the tray. "See you soon, my queen," I smiled as I walked out. "Heading to his office now. Make sure no one interrupts us," I linked Blake and Smith. "Ok. Good luck," Blake linked back.

I walked up to Philps door. It sounds like someone is whispering. "Is anyone in his office?" I linked Blake. "No, Alpha. I've been watching. I haven't seen anyone enter or exit his office," Blake linked back. Must be my nerves. I took a deep breath and knocked. "Come in," Philip replied. I opened the door and walked in. "Hey brother, how is everything going?" I asked. Philip looked up at me with confusion.

"What are you doing here, Victor?" He asked. "It's time for our monthly meeting. Is it not," I asked. I have to act stupid like I don't know when our meeting really is. Philip turned to his computer. As he typed, I walked to his desk and stood there with his food. "No, it's not. Our meeting isn't for another two days," he replied with annoyance. Smug bastard. I can't wait for him to realize what I have done to him.

"My bad brother. I thought it was today," I replied with a shy smile. "You thought wrong. Is that my dinner?" He asked as he eyed his tray. "It is. I figured I'd bring it since I was heading this way," I replied as I set his tray down. I hate acting like a caring brother. I fucking at Philip. I hate everything about him. He was our parents' favorite. I was constantly pushed aside for him. Philip has the same beliefs our pathetic father did. He thinks vampires and witches are our equals and should be treated as such. They are not our equals. They are vermin that must be extinguished just like the homosexuals. I will put an end to all his beliefs and make sure we lead with an iron fist. There will be no exceptions.

Philip and I, of course, have a minor disagreement. I have to let it go. "I can't wait to watch this mother fucker die," I linked Amanda. I watch as he eats his food. I'm not really paying attention to what he is saying. What he says will no longer matter. I glance at the clock on the wall and start timing. I notice Philip starting to sweat. His face looks pale. He starts coughing. I know I am supposed to leave and meet Amanda, but I want him to know I did this to him.

"Are you ok?" I ask with a smile. "What did you do?" Philip asked through his coughing. "Who me? I did nothing," I replied, trying so hard not to laugh. "Why can't I link my warriors?" He asked. "That's because Wolfsbane is in your food with a few other things," I laughed. The shock on his face is priceless. I wish I could take a picture of his face. The door opens, and my heart drops. Fuck did I just get caught? Where the fuck is Blake and Smith? I turn and see my beautiful mate standing there. She looks a little angry that I'm still here, but she knows I had to do this, and I know she wouldn't miss the chance to watch him die.

"It shouldn't take long now. Soon, you will be dead, and we will rule the werewolves. We will correct everything you have fucked up, starting with those filthy vampires," Amanda laughed. God, I love this woman. I can see the anger and hurt in his eyes, but I don't fucking care. He should never have been king. I was always meant to be the king.

Suddenly, Philip rises from his chair and disappears. "Where the fuck did he go?" I asked. "It doesn't matter. It's too late for him. He is pretty much dead already. Now we can go back to the dining room and eat. We have to make ourselves known. It will be late when they discover he is missing, and we will have alibies," Amanda said as she pulled me up from the chair.

Amanda's POV
(While Victor was with Philip)

"How long before the potion kicks in?" Blake asked as he walked in and pulled me to his chest. "It should be in effect now. No more waiting 30 minutes, Tammy improved it. He won't feel anything," I said before crashing my lips onto his. He kissed me back and shoved me up against the wall. Blake turned me toward the wall and pulled my pants down. "We are almost there, babe. Soon you will be king, and I will be your queen," I moaned as Blake shoved his finger inside of me.

"I can't wait. Philip dies today, and Victor dies next week. This plan couldn't be any better," Blake said as he slowly kissed my ass. "Mmm Blake, please," I moaned. I need to feel him inside of me. It's a pity he has to die next week. I love Victor, but Blake is amazing in bed. He does things Victor would never do. Blake is into playing with my ass and fucking me in the ass. Victor won't go anywhere near my ass. He thinks it would make him a homosexual. I have to figure out a way to get Victor to do the things Blake does. Blake thinks Victor is going to take the fall, but it's him who will fall. All of the evidence will point to him. It's such a pity. I'll miss him.

Blake stops kissing and licking my ass. He lines himself up. "I can't wait to watch this mother fucker die," Victor links me. "Fuck, stop. Victor is about to ruin everything. I have to go get him," I said as I turned back around. Why can't he just listen, damn it? "What's going on," Blake asked. "Victor wants to watch Philip die. I'm going to have to drag him out," I replied. "Fucking dumbass. Go drag his ass back here. We will finish this later," Blake said before he kissed me. "Yes, we will," I reply before walking out and heading to Philips office to snatched up my stupid ass mate.

When I got to the door, I heard Philip coughing and Victor laughing. I opened the door, one look at Philip, and I knew he would be dead any second. Mine as well get in on this and watch him breathe his last breath. I didn't get to watch his last breath, he fucking disappeared. How the fuck did he just dissappear? "Blake, Philip disappeared. New plan. Meet us in the dining room," I linked Blake. "What do you mean he disappeared?" Blake asked. "I'll explain later, don't have time right now. I have to get Victor's ass to the dining room," I reply then cut the link. I pull Victor up. "Let's go," I said while dragging him out of the office.

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