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Lewis's POV
We made it into the castle without any issues. We stood inside Drake's office. I'm not sure how we ended up in his office. "What the hell? How did you get in here?" Drake asked. "King Phillip, we are here to save your life," Celeste said as she stepped forward. "What are you talking about?" Drake asked. I saw him link his warriors. "Drake, please listen," I said as I stepped forward. Drake looked at me, shock evident on his face. "Lewis?" he asked. "Hey, Drake. Wanna meet your grandson?" I asked as I pulled Harrison forward. Drake stepped forward and walked up to Harrison. Harrison didn't know what to say or do.

"You look so much like your mother and your uncle," Drake said as he hugged Harrison with tears in his eyes. "King Phillip, please call off your warriors; I can hear them coming," Andrew said as he looked to the door. Drake linked his men. "I'm so confused. Why is everyone calling him King Phillip, but you're calling him Drake?" Izzy asked me. "I am King Phillip to everyone but a selected few. The people I hold dear to me call me Drake; my middle name," Drake replied as he pulled away from Harrison and looked at him. Harrison smiled at him. I can tell he was happy meeting his grandfather. "Oh, ok," Izzy smiled. "How did you get into my office, and what is this about saving my life?" Drake asked as he stood close to Harrison. It was like he was afraid Harrison would disappear if he walked away from him. "We have a lot to tell you, but first, I need you to drink this," Celeste said as she handed Drake a vial.

"What is this?" Drake asked. "It's an antidote to any poison you may have been given or are given," Celeste replied. "Please take it, then we can explain everything," Harrison said with pleading eyes. I know Harrison wants to get to know his grandfather. This has all been a shock for him; he hasn't had time to process everything. So much has happened this past week. I'm so proud of how he has handled everything so far.

"Ok," Drake said before drinking the potion. "How do you feel?" Celeste asked. "I feel fine. Whatever was in that vial tasted awful," Drake replied. "Yes, I know. Sorry about that," Celeste smiled. "Can someone please explain to me what is going on?" Drake asked. "You may want to sit for this," I said as I sat across from his desk. Drake went and sat behind his desk. Celeste sat in the chair beside me. Harrison, Andrew, Drew, and Julius sat on the couch. Izzy sat on Harrisons' lap.

"We don't have time to give you the full version," Celeste stated. "Cliff notes it is then," Drake smiled. We gave Drake the cliff note version of everything that has happened. We told him about Serina's vision of him dying.

Drake sat there looking at all of us. "Are you serious?" he asked. "Yes, King Phillip," Celeste replied. "Do you know who is trying to kill me?" Drake asked. "Not sure, but I do have a plan," Celeste replied. We all looked at her. None of us know about this plan. "What is this plan?" I asked. "The potion I gave him will cancel out any poison given to him. However, it will make him sick to look like the poison has worked. I have invisibility potions for us all to drink. When we know the poison has been given to him, we will drink the potions. I suspect the perpetrator will show up to make sure it has worked. We will then see who is trying to kill you," Celeste replied.

When did she come up with this plan? "Were you going to fill us in on this plan? Izzy asked. "Of course. I would have told you guys, but I honestly didn't think we would have had a chance to talk to the king. I had devised several plans depending on this outcome," Celeste replied. "So how will we know what is poisoned?" Drake asked. "The potion I gave you will help you. You'll know as soon as you smell it," Celeste replied. "It's almost dinner time. I'll have my dinner brought to my office," Drake said before linking his kitchen staff.

We sat there in an uncomfortable silence. No one knew what to say. "You said I look like my mother and my Uncle. Where is my uncle?" Harrison asked. "Your Uncle Donovan and your grandmother Emilia were killed. When I found Owen with your mother, I beat him and banished him. I should have killed him, but I took pity on him. A year later, he snuck into the castle. He was looking for your mother, but she was not here. Owen was furious, so he killed my mate and my son. He slit their throats and ripped out their hearts," Drake said as the pain of the memories hit him. He quickly whipped the tears from his eyes, thinking no one saw them, but I did.

"Where were you and my mother?" Harrison asked. "I took her with me to meet an alpha. I never let her stay here without me. Any time I had to go anywhere, she came with me. I thought she would hate it, but she didn't. She felt safer with me. When we met with this pack, she met her fated mate: your father. We spent a week there so she could get to know him. I told him what had happened. We became close. We had stayed four days longer than we were supposed to. So when Owen came, we were supposed to be there. When I felt the connection with my mate and son snap, I knew what happened. I left your mother with Lewis and made them promise never to come to the castle and never let anyone know who she was. Lewis and I have stayed in contact throughout the years. We had to act like it was pack business so no one would get suspicious. There are spies everywhere, and we couldn't take the chance of Owen finding her or you," Drake replied sadly.

"What time do they serve dinner?" Julius asked. "It should have been here already. I'll link the kitchen," Drake replied. Drake's eyes glazed over. "Mrs. Grady said she sent my food 10 minutes ago," Drake said as his eyes cleared. "Here, everyone drink these," Celeste said as she handed each of us a vial. "It's the invisibility potion. I have a feeling we aren't going to have to wait long. King Philip, if you smell the poison, cough two times so we know," Celeste said before drinking her potion. The rest of us followed suit.

Minutes later, there was a knock on Drake's door. "Come in," Drake said as he looked up from his desk. "Hey brother, how is everything going?" Victor asked as he walked in with a tray of food. "Who is that?" Harrison asked through our link. "He is Drakes's brother. He is a piece of shit. He wants to be king," I replied. "So he is our main suspect?" Drew asked. "He is definitely a main suspect. I wouldn't put it past him," I replied.

"What are you doing here, Victor?" Drake asked. "It is time for our monthly meeting. Is it not?" Victor asked. Drake turned to his computer and started typing. "No, it's not. Our meeting isn't for another two days," Drake replied. "My bad brother. I thought it was today," Victor replied. "You thought wrong. Is that my dinner?" Drake asked. "It is. I figured I'd bring it since I was already heading this way," Victor smiles as he sets the tray on the desk.

Drake pulled the tray closer and smelled it. Drake coughed two times, letting us know it was poisoned. "Sit down, Victor. We may as well get this meeting over with," Drake said as he looked his food over. "Would you like some? I don't want to be rude and eat in front of you," Drake said as he offered him some of his food. "I'm alright. I ate before coming," Victor replied. "So, is there any news to report on the whereabouts of Owen?" Drake asked as he took a bite of his roast.

"Nothing yet. His army has increased tremendously. We have lost count of how many he has now," Victor replied. "Any idea where or how he is getting vampire venom?" Drake asked. "No clue. Maybe he is abducting them, too. I hope he is. The world is a better place with less of those bloodsuckers," Victor replied. "See, that right there is why you will never be king. Vampires are our allies. They are children of the moon goddess, just as you and I are," Drake replied as he clenched his fist around his fork. "Oh, please. I hate how you stick up for them all the fucking time. We have lost a lot of friends and family because of them," Victor growled. "Like I've said before. They are no different than us. They have rogue vampires like we have rogue wolves. That doesn't make them all bad, just like it doesn't make us all bad," Drake growled. I can't see Julius, but I feel his anger through the link.

"Whatever. Let's just change the subject. This is one subject we will never agree on, just like homosexuals," Victor said with a smirk. Drake took another bite of his food. Drake started to sweat. He started coughing, and his face was losing its color."Are you ok?" Victor asked with a smile. "What did you do?" Drake asked as he coughed. "Who me? I did nothing," Victor replied nonchalantly.

"Why can't I link my warriors?" Drake asked. "That's because Wolfsbane is in your food with a few other things," Victor laughed. Suddenly, Drake's door opens up, and Victor's mate, Amanda, walks in. "It shouldn't take long now. Soon, you will be dead, and we will rule the werewolves. We will correct everything you have fucked up, starting with those filthy vampires," Amanda laughed.

"What do we do now?" Drew asked. "We let them think they killed the king," Celeste replied. "What? Why?" I asked. "So we can come up with a plan. We didn't have much time before coming here. We have to find out who he is working with," Celeste replied. "So we stand around and wait?" Harrison asked. "Nope, Celeste said as she made a portal. "Julius, grab the king and let's go," Celeste ordered. The next thing I knew, an invisible Julius was picking up Drake, and they disappeared into the portal. "Let's go," I linked everyone else before entering the portal.

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