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Y/n's POV

Your legs ached from running so much, but you didn't care. The only thing that was on your mind was to get away from them. The lungs in your chest screamed for air, your breathing becoming heavy. Yet, you kept going. You knew this was going to happen eventually, and yet you ignored all the signs of it truly happening.

The moonlight hovered over you, along with the tall trees. Jumping over tree roots and twigs, you could hear their voices close behind you in the misty abyss of the woods.

Unfortunately, the darkness covered a large tree root on the floor, larger than the others. You tripped over it, causing you to stumble down quite a large hill. Bushes and twigs scraped your skin as you fell, some even creating cuts deep enough to draw blood.

Finally landing, you hit your temple on a rock, knocking you out of your senses. An excruciating headache emerged from impact, your vision going blurry. Luckily, the people who chased you had no idea were you went, so they gave up and went back to where they came from.

You tried to stand up, but you hit your head quite hard, ending up with you back on the ground. You tried multiple times and failed every time. The last thing you saw was a figure run towards you with a dragon beside them. 


You woke up to the same headache as before, but it was much better. Confused, you looked around to see you were in a hut of some sort. Glancing at your bandaged wounds, you wondered what happened to you that got you in this state.

The hut door opened to reveal a woman with long, auburn hair and a kind smile. She had eyes as green as emeralds as she sat beside you, holding a plate of bread.

She asked kindly,
" How are you feeling?"

She offered you the plate of bread, in which you gladly took and ate. You soon broke the silence,
" Just a small headache other than that I'm fine,"

She nodded, her smile still remaining,
" What happened to you?"

That was the problem. You couldn't remember a thing about what happened. It was as if mind had a black mist over it, stopping you from accessing your memories.

" I don't know, I can't remember,"

She sent you a concerned and sympathetic look before nodding, placing the plate of bread beside you. The room was silent for a few minutes, then she decided to break the silence with a heavy sigh,
" Get some rest, dear. You need it to heal,"

You thanked her, watching her walk out of the cabin and closed the door. You led back down and stared at the wooden ceiling for a few moments, letting your eyes drift then soon fell asleep into a deep slumber.


A few hours later, you woke up and got dressed into folded clothes that Valka left for you. It was a long sleeved dress that ended up to the knees, that included a black belt and leggings.

You walked out of the hut to see a beautiful view of dragons. They were everywhere. The ruins on your wrist glowed slightly from the dragon's presences, confusing you. Your power had never reacted to anything other than your emotions.

" You're finally awake!"

Flinching at the sudden voice, you turned to see Valka walking up to you with her usual bright smile. You had no idea why, but her shouting sparked fear deep within you, as if you're body could remember something that you couldn't.

She wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leading you down the hill,
" I want you to meet someone! My son, he'll love a girl like you! Not in a weird way, it's just his friends can take care of you,"

She glanced at you before chuckling,
" I must say, you're quite the beauty, I bet you can even beat Astrid's looks,"

Astrid? Who's that?

As you walked down the pathway of the island, all the dragons turned their attention to you. They could sense something in you that no other human possessed. Valka seemed to notice this and hummed curiously.

" What's your name?"

" Y/n,"

You both got on her dragon, ignoring the nerves bubbling in your stomach. You've never actually flown on a dragon before, making this your first time. You covered the mark on your wrist with your sleeve, trying to hide it from catching Valka's attention.

You asked nervously,
" Where are we going?"

She chuckled,
" To my son's village. Berk,"

Out of instinct, you wrapped your arms around Valka as her dragon flew off into the sky.


An hour later, you arrived at Berk to see more dragons. They weren't terrorising the village or causing chaos; instead they flew around and slept there as if it was their home. You found it quite heart warming.

You glanced at the ruins on your wrists, they glowed a light green whenever you went near a dragon. You were born different compared to everybody, that's all you knew before your head injury. You couldn't remember if they accepted you for it or not. You also had small ruins on your cheeks, but somehow, you managed to use your unknown power to hide them.

Valka led you to the main hall, were her son, the chief, usually hangs out. She opened the doors with a bright smile,
" Hiccup! I've missed you, dear,"

His eyes seem to brighten in excitement as he ran over and hugged her tightly, despite the fact that she was quite taller than him still. Valka hugged back immediately, missing her son's embrace and scent. Ever since Stoick was killed, Hiccup had been quite low recently. Even though his death was a few months ago.

She chuckled,
" Hiccup, I want to ask you a favour. This is Y/n, I found her quite injured and she has memory loss from a serious head injury. I was wondering if you could look after her for me?"

Hiccup turned his attention to you, sending her a nod,
" Of course, I don't mind,"

From that day on, you've become friends ever since; not knowing the feelings that'll bloom for each other in the future.

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