Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

A week later, you had learnt how to control your powers more, but still no memory. You visited Gothi once every two days to see if your memory has improved even just a little bit. It hasn't. All you felt was dread and fear, like your memories had somehow left a scar that can't be healed.

This made you curious to what happened in your past. All you knew was that it wasn't good.

You were humming a small tune, your tunes glowed a light green on your skin as you grew some flowers for your neighbour. As you did so, a bright green surrounded your hands. Her flowers had been dying recently so you decided to treat her with her garden full of different kinds of flowers. She was grateful and gave you some baked cookies and bread in return.

You thanked her and went back to your hut. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on your front door. You opened your door to see Hiccup. He asked with Toothless beside him,
" We found some captured dragons in the North East. We were wondering if you would like to join?"

A burst of excitement coursed through your body as your eyes twinkled from the same feeling. You nodded and walked with him into the main hall, where every raid in planned. His entire friend squad was within their and it felt like their stares were melting holes in your body, even though they weren't intentional.

A short brunette guy eyed you in curiosity,
" So you're the nature girl, huh? Honestly I wasn't expecting such an attractive lass,"

He got elbowed in the ribs by Astrid in response, not realising the slight glare that Hiccup was sending him. You chuckled nervously, gathering around the table which had a clear map of an island.

Hiccup pointed to the coast of it,
" This is where the dragons are being held, I would say there's around 25. The dragon riders are there for 24 hours straight, but their shifts end every two hours,"

He continued,
" Somebody needs to distract them and knock them out for me, Astrid and the rest of us to free them. Whoever is doing this though will need to fight if need be, we don't want any more guards coming,"

You thought for a moment before remembering a specific flower in a book you were once reading. Building up the courage to put to put your hand up, you replied nervously,
" I can create a flower that produced a substance that knocks out humans for a while out of defence. It's strong enough to knock out a dragon. If I can create multiple and set them all of without us breathing it in, I think that should be enough,"

An encouraged smile formed on Hiccup's face, sending you a nod of approval before getting ready to set off. Astrid led you some basic armour in case a battle did happen, in which you thanked her.

Once you were all ready to set off, you then forgot you didn't have a dragon to ride on. A tap on your shoulder caught your attention to see Hiccup,
" You can ride Toothless with me if you want? "

You nodded, thanking him. You sat behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders before soon setting off. It took 20 minutes to get there, but once you all saw the island in the distance - you all immediately were determined and ready to complete the mission.

Hiccup landed a few metres away from the dragons behind tall bushes, which where great to hide behind. Everyone looked at you, nodding to do your part of the plan. You understood the message and silently ran behind one of the large cages. There were approximately 6 guards surrounding the area, meaning you had to spawn a lot of flowers.

Kneeling down, you placed your hands on the ground. Your runes glowed once again, as did your eyes whilst you focused on the flower you wanted. Flowers began to blossom and merge from the ground, surrounding the guards completely. Before they could question what was going on, the flowers bursted their petals open, releasing a purple dust that put them to sleep instantly.

Hiccup and the squad ran over to unlock the dragons. As he ran past, he placed a hand on your shoulder, looking proud,
" Well done Y/n, I knew you could do it,"

You thanked him before helping them free the dragons. Just as you were all about to leave, you had a message from Mother Nature, her voice startling you a bit.

There is one more dragon, but they're important because they're hidden.

You stopped in your tracks from her words, confusing the group. Through the roots of the ground, you could sense more guards where coming. You needed to leave otherwise you'd put your friends and the whole plan in danger, but you also couldn't leave this dragon behind.

You ran over to Hiccup,
" There's another dragon, but it's hidden. Nature told me so. You guys go, I promise to come back at some point,"

They all looked worried and concerned as Hiccup shook his head, his brows furrowed in worry,
" No. I'm not allowing it. We can come back again in a few days or something, we can't leave you on this island alone,"

" Hiccup, they could be shipped away by then. I can protect myself, just please trust me,"

He saw the determination in your gaze and let out a heavy sigh, knowing how stubborn you can be. The guards were coming closer and closer from the other side of the docks by the second.

" Fine, but you better come back alive,"

You chuckled,
" I will, now go,"

They all set off into the sky as you ran as fast as you could into the woods, getting away from the guards. You hid in a bush and asked Mother Nature to lead you the way. A single flower sprouted from the ground and soon a trail was being made.

You followed it which led you to a cage that was surrounded by 5 guards. This dragon must be important to them if it was hidden and had that many guards.

Your eyes widened at the dragon.

It was a night/light fury!

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