Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV


You were 10 years old in this memory. You walked into a room to see your Mother sobbing at a picture in the corner. Confused, you walked over to her, startling her from your presence. She quickly hid the photo and put on a fake smile.

" Hi sweetie, what's the matter?"

You asked,
" Why were you crying?"

She just chuckled, ignoring the question as she let you sit on her lap. She thought for a moment before showing you the photo. It was a photo of a teenage girl with beautiful blonde hair and E/C eyes. Your Mother smiled sadly at the photo.

She responded, her voice breaking slightly,
" This is your sister, Annalise. She died when you were still in my tummy,"

You had no idea why, but you felt as if she was lying to you that day. You had a gut feeling that whenever she died from, wasn't natural. Your Mother stroked the rune on your cheek and sighed,
" Promise me to always use your power for the good. I don't want you ending up like your Father,"

" I promise,"

She placed on a true smile,
" That's my little girl,"

End of flashback


You woke up to see yourself in your own room. Amethyst was asleep beside you bed with her tail over your body, making sure your blanket didn't fall off. You smiled at her cuteness. Your sudden movement woke her up. She got up instantly and started to lick your face. You laughed and soon managed to calm her down.

Slowly getting out of bed, you got dressed and walked outside. The cold air sent shivers down your spine, but in a way - you loved it. Hiccup spotted you from a distance before running over to you, looking quite excited.

" Did you have a good sleep?"

You just nodded with a small hum.

" I'm glad. I've been wondering, do you want to become an official dragon rider? I can help you train how to use some techniques on Amethyst,"

An excited smile formed, wanting to finally know how to dragon ride like Hiccup. He chuckled at your reaction when you remembered your memories. You said excitedly,
" I'm starting to remember some memories. I had a sister called Annalise! But there's something off about them. There's something..... fearful,"

He seemed happy for you but also quite concerned at how you explained them. He decided you both should report it to Gothi whilst Toothless and Amethyst played with each other as usual.

She just hummed in response, narrowing her eyes at you before lifting her staff and strikes a swinging pose at you. Your body seemed to react on its own and flinched, covering your face with your arms, tumbling a bit from the sudden act and scare. Confused, you felt something warm drip down your cheeks. They were tears.

Gothi broke the silence,
" I think she always feels fear within her lost memories is because she was abused by somebody,"

Hiccup couldn't help hide his shocked gasp as he glanced at you in the corner of your eye. You looked down at the ground, deep in thought, trying to process the information. You haven't recovered all your memories yet, but you couldn't help but feel as if her words were true.

You didn't even realise you had your arms wrapped around Hiccup's arm until now.

You apologised before running off, needing some space. You sat down at the edge of the cliff and stared at the ocean, loving the sound of the waves that crashed against the cliff side. It was relaxing.

Hiccup finally caught up to you and sat beside you, his smile no longer there. Instead, he had a worried expression that made your heart sink.

He grabbed your hand, interlocking is hand with yours and let out a heavy sigh, the wind blew his hair whilst he spoke,
" You don't need to worry anymore, Y/n. If they do come after you, I'll always protect you, Berk will always protect you,"

You glanced down at your locked hands and thanked him. A single tear shedded and dropped onto the floor, creating a rose to grow in a second. Hiccup picked it and grabbed your chin, gently turning it to make you look at him. He then placed it just above your ear in your hair, smiling at what he had done.

His gaze then turned to yours, admiring how unique and rare your eyes were. You had the beauty of a goddess. You tilted your head slightly in confusion at to why he never took his eyes of you.

His cheeks turned red without him realising before clearing his throat, snapping out of his trance and turning back to face the ocean.

Suddenly, you felt a wave of energy hit you harshly. You slowly stood up, feeling as if the energy was calling to you in some way. It was familiar yet so different. Hiccup looked up at you,
" Y/n? What's wrong?"

You grabbed his hand, pulling him up and began to ran down the cliff, feeling the energy grow stronger and stronger. You ran across the coast to see a child lying on the floor, soaked in sea water. That's what was calling you. Another person who manipulated an element.

Concerned, you ran over to her and picked her up. She was unconscious but alive. She looked around 7 years old. Her skin was pale and she had black hair that faded to white. She had runes on her cheeks and wrists, just like yours, but they were air and wind runes.

She can manipulate air and wind.

This made you realise that there was more people out there with your abilities. You have found air, making you wonder where Fire and Water is.

Hiccup picked her up then immediately rushed to Gothi. Thankfully, she said she was just knocked out from all the water. You placed her into some fresh, dry clothes and placed her into your bed.

Sighing, you went downstairs to Hiccup, who was sat on your couch in thought. You sat beside him,
" Don't you see this, Hiccup? There's more of me out there. If she's air, maybe there's Fire and Water too! "

He looked at you with hesitation, but smiled at how happy and excited you looked. His heart beat was unnatural for him. This made him come to a realisation.

He liked you more than a friend.

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