Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

It's a month until your baby girl was going to be born and you were petrified. Anything could happen during birth for female bodies and it worried you greatly. Blaze or your Father haven't been heard off in the past few months, which added to your list of worries. They could be planning something anytime now.

Hiccup came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your bump, resting his face in the crook of your neck,
" You'll be alright, I can promise you that,"

You couldn't help but smile from his reassurance. You kissed him passionately before hearing screams off terror in the distance. Concerned, you both ran to where they were to see that Blaze and your Father arrived.

Blaze spotted you and glared at Hiccup, letting out an irritated sigh. He burned some huts down to the ground with rage. Anger made your blood boil within, causing the vines around him to pin him to the ground. He was about to use his fire to burn them but Azekiel had placed him in a water cage, stopping the fire from emerging.

Hiccup walked over to your Father, taking out his sword and flaming it. They fought for a while, both getting a few cuts and bruises. You watched nervously to hear the sound of flesh being impaled. Flinching, you saw that it had impaled your Father.

Sighing in relief, you walked over and pushed him off the cliff, making the whole village retreat. Blaze was stuck in the water cage, feeling rage and fear for the first time in his life.

That's when his eyes glowed bright red and a bright light formed out of his mouth. Confused, you watched as a red apparition of a dragon came out of his mouth. It seemed as if the fire dragon had chosen a knew host. The red tips on Blaze's hair faded, leaving it midnight black.

The dragon flew towards you and disappeared within your bump. You dropped to your knees, feeling an immense power bubble within you, making you feel uneasy and sick. Hiccup ran up to you in worry, helping you stand.

Ezekiel set Blaze free, knowing that he had no power no more.


A month later, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her hair was black with red highlights and her eyes were red as blood. She had your features and smile, looking nothing like Blaze. Hiccup held her with a warm smile, forgetting completely that she wasn't truly his daughter.

But blood didn't make a family whole.

He promised himself that day that they would always protect their daughter.

Seraphina Haddock.

You and Hiccup both got married a few months later and had two more kids after a year. A boy called Arlo and another girl called Avis. Seraphina possessed the ability of fire, whereas the other two inherited Hiccup's intelligence and invention skills.

You all where a happy family and you were glad it stayed that way.

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