Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

You both ended up on your Father's main ship, which was now miles away from the Island you came from. The handcuffs were replaced with ones that covered your entire hands so you can't dislocate anything.

Blaze gripped your arm and dragged you under the deck to where your Father's office was located. The only thing you could feel was how nauseous you was. It felt as if your heart was trying to escape and break through your rib cage from how hard it was beating.

The door opened to see the last person you wanted to see. Your Father. He was even more intimidating than you remembered. An evil smirk formed when he saw you and chuckled,
" You really thing you could escape me, Y/n?"

You were forced to sit in the chair in front of his desk, the door slamming with a loud thud, startling you. Your Father hummed,
" You look just like your Mother, excluding the whole runes and green highlights,"

You just gulped nervously, refusing to make any sort of eye contact. He wanted to get a reaction out of you, but you weren't going to let him win. He just sighed and asked,
" Do you know why you have the earth powers? That you're not normal like everybody else?"

For the first time, you made eye contact with him. The curious hint in your eyes made him smirk in victory. He leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms,
" In order to gain a power, it has to chose you, but first, you need to sacrifice your first born,"

You felt sick to the stomach. All of your memories that had slowly came back made sense now. Why you're Mother was always crying and heart broken. Why she was always scared of him. A single tear escaped your eye, letting it drop down your cheek.

" You killed my older sister? Just for me to become an earth spirit?"

" Sometimes in life, you have to make sacrifices for power and the greater good,"

You glanced at Blaze beside you and you swore you saw a bit of sympathy within his gaze. A family member must have sacrificed his older sibling to, and Ezekiel and Kalisa. You hated the fact that you didn't have a choice with this. You could have met your sister, but you were to young to even know.

That's why you ran away.

You must have figured out what his true intentions were. Your Father just shrugged,
" Anyways, Blaze has my full permission for you to be married. The wedding is in 6 months,"

More tears escaped from the news, knowing for a fact that they didn't care about your love for Hiccup.
He had your whole heart, but they want to give and steal it for Blaze. You knew that this was never going to happen. You can't force love.

Your Father clicked his fingers as the guards restrained you to the chair, not letting you move. You began to panic and tried to budge out of their grasp, but it was no use without your powers. Another guard brought in a metal like machine that was powered by heat.

" You see, I knew this Hiccup would get in the way so I decided to get rid of your memories once again. Once you forget, you can easily marry Blaze with no distractions and you can do what I say,"

Shaking your head in panic, you refused to believe this was happening. They placed it on your head like a helmet, two metal plates were placed on your temple. Blaze just sighed heavily, heating up the machine which will eventually conduct electricity.

The next thing you knew an excruciating pain formed in your head. It felt as if your whole body was on fire, but your head was burning badly. After a few moments, you blacked out from the pain. Your nose bled from the jolts of electricity that surrounded your brain.


Two days later, you awoke in your village on a sunny day. Beside you was a long haired guy with midnight black hair. He smirked at you, meeting your gaze when you asked,
" Who are you?"

" Your fiancé. Blaze. You hit your head during training and blacked out,"

He slipped his hand into yours, the warmth of his hand sending goosebumps down your spine. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not remembering anything before now. Yet, you trusted his words and sent him a small smile.

He glanced at the green necklace that dangled from your neck and gently ripped it off, crushing it in his hands. This caused the magic to break, turning it back into its original form, a plant.

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