Chapter 13

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1 year later,

Y/n's POV

You and Blaze were married, but somehow you felt as if you were missing something. You were a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece. Despite being married for 6 months now, you couldn't help but feel pulled to an unknown Island that you had never heard or been to before.


Blaze appeared behind you, wrapping his arms around you, stroking your small but visible pregnancy bump. You found out you were four months pregnant a few month ago. Having a baby was the best thing in the world, but it felt off. This wasn't a choice you made, it was Blaze's. You hated to admit it but he pressured you into having one.

You knew one thing. You would protect and love this baby with your life.

He asked, resting his chin on your shoulder,
" What are you thinking about?"

You chuckled, staring at the ocean, letting the sound of waves and the feeling of the ocean breeze calm you down, then lied,
" Just thinking of what gender the baby is. We find out in a month,"

He kissed your temple, hiding the smirk behind your shoulder. The smirk of success and victory.


That night, you were having a strange dream. You've been having strange dreams lately and they become stronger and stronger by night.

He finally spoke up,
" I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now, and it's been bothering me. I like you, Y/n, a lot. No, in fact I'm in love with you,"

What? Who was that? You couldn't recognise his face but you knew for a fact it wasn't Blaze. This guy somehow felt more loveable and comforting. Maybe this is the person who you're trying to find. Maybe he was your missing piece.

He thought for a moment,
" How about I stay with you whilst you sleep tonight? I want you to have at least one good nights rest. I promise I'll leave when you have,"

You woke up gasping for air, finally finding the answer you have been waiting for. Glancing at Blaze, who was asleep beside you, you slowly got out of bed to look at the map of every Island your village has been. Trying to see if any seem familiar.

You dragged your finger along the piece of paper, reading every Island name before stopping at a small one. You whispered,
" Berk,"

It sounded way to familiar and your instincts told you it was right.

Very silently and swiftly, you packed your bag and placed it on your back. You walked on the top deck and dropped a small boat on the ocean. Being careful not to hurt your bump, you jumped on the boat and escaped the large ships without being seen.

According to the map, Berk was an hour away so you began to row the boat towards that direction. The sight of the ship disappeared on the ocean skyline. The night fog surrounding it completely.


You woke up to the boat hitting against the rocks of the shore. Luckily, your boat went straight in one direction, so you reached Berk and got some sleep. You parked up the boat on the Island before walking up the coast, wondering where to go.

When it came to navigating on unknown islands, you get lost rather easily. It's hard to believe that you control everything you stand on. You stumbled across a village, all of them looking at you in shock and surprise.

Confused, you looked at everyone, who were whispering amongst themselves. Then a familiar voice that created an explosion of an familiar warmth emerged within your heart,
" Y/n?"

You turned around to see a brunette guy. His voice was the same person that was in your constant dreams. Was he the one? He ran over, pulling you into a tight hug. You didn't hug back but your body begged you to do so.

You asked, confused,
" Who are you?"

He pulled away immediately, pain was the only thing that was read through his expression. He asked, shaking his head slightly in disbelief,
" You don't remember me? What did they do to you?"

He looked hurt even more when he glanced at your pregnancy bump. He knew that Blaze had won and he stormed off, not wanting you or the villagers to see him in pain from the news. He still loved you after a year. He waited and searched for months, but he couldn't find you. So he gave up and decided to wait.

That was until he started to date Astrid once again.

When he saw that you were pregnant, his heart shattered like glass into a million pieces. He knew for a fact that it wasn't his child; it was Blaze's. You just watched, feeling more confused than ever.

A young girl girl with air runes on her cheek ran up to you, hugging your waist, but it was difficult since her arms were to short for the bump. She looked up at you,
" Y/n? You're carrying a baby?"

The rest of the friend squad came over, who were unrecognisable to you. Deep within your heart and memories, you did, but you couldn't remember a thing.

" Who are all of you?"

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