Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

You summoned roots from the ground, making them wrap around the guards and pull three of them onto the ground. They enclosed them to the point of suffocation. The other two guards were scared and confused at what was happening as you used the same sleeping flower like the others. They dropped like flies.

You ran out from the bushes and stole the key, unlocking the cage. The dragon looked at you with slit eyes and a harsh growl emitted from her throat.
Walking closer, you reached out your hand,
" It's okay girl, I'm here to help, don't be afraid,"

The fury stared into your soul, as if searching for the truth before placing her snout against your hand. You smiled happily, glad that you gained her trust. She turned to look behind you, her eyes immediately turning to slits. She turned around, hitting you with her tail. The impact sent you flying across a few feet, your head hitting the bark of the tree.

Your vision got blurry as your body felt dizzy. The last thing you saw was the dragon fighting off two other guards. You smiled at the thought of her saving you from an attack. Then everything went black.


Short flashback

Everything was unclear. You were in the abyss of your mind. It was very foggy from your blocked memory until a small part of the mist vanished, revealing a memory that had been hidden for a while.

You looked around 9 years old and you had a plaster on your cheek, followed by a bruise on your other. A woman with E/C and brown hair stroked the side of your face.

" I promise everything is going to be okay soon,
Y/n. Once you've done this, everything will be fine,"

You looked up at her with your mixed coloured eyes and teared up. You could almost remember the fear you felt in that moment. You didn't know what you were about to do, but it left an imprint in your body. One thing is for sure - you didn't have a choice.

" Do I have to, Mother?"

She stroked your cheek and the plaster,
" Yes dear, otherwise you'll know what happens,"

End of flashback

You woke up gasping for air and looked around, to see you were in a cave. Beside you was the fury, who was licking her paw and legs A smile formed on your face from finally remembering something, but you knew most of your memories are going to end up bad.

You smiled at the fury,
" You saved me from them guards. Thank you,"

She just whined in response. Her eyes were a beautiful violet colour. So you were going to name her Amethyst.

Sighing, you ignored the throbbing pain in your head and walked up to her. She instantly placed her snout on your hand, sending you a toothless grin.  You let out a chuckle,
" Will you allow me to ride you? I need to get back to my friends,"

She tilted her head, trying to make out at what you were asking before finally understanding. She knelt down and let you climb on her back. The nerve w rattling thing was that she had no saddle, so you had to hold on tight. You would usually have Hiccup on the same dragon as you, but you're going solo on this one.

She shot up into the air, surprising you from how strong the air resistance was when she did so. Holding onto her for dear life, you directed her the way back to Berk.

Whilst doing so, the friend squad waited 15 minutes on the coast of Berk, waiting for you to return. Hiccup walked back and forth in worry, muttering to himself the situations that could possibly happen to you. He fought the urge to go after you, but he trusted you.

Astrid pointed with a bright look,
" Look! She's back!"

Hiccup snapped his gaze to a small dragon in the distance. It got bigger until he realised what it was. His jaw dropped in shock and awe as you landed beside hims. He couldn't help himself and immediately ran over to you, pulling you into a tight hug.

He began,
" I - We was worried! Don't do that again,"

You chuckled nervously, pulling away from the hug and apologising. Amethyst came up beside you, gently placing her snout against against your side. You smiled and introduced her,
" This is amethyst. It was the dragon I saved,"

She ran off with Toothless whilst playing happily, both having toothless grins on their face. You yawned quietly, a wave of exhaustion knocking you out of your senses. You stumbled from the sudden impact, being caught by Hiccup.

You need rest. You've used a lot of energy today.

Hiccup scooped you up, picking you up bridal style, clearly knowing that you were tired. He sent you a small smile,
" You did great today, Y/n, have some rest,"

You then let your sleepiness take over you.

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