Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

Kalisa wanted to live with you since she felt safer around you. It took you most of the day making a spare bedroom for her. It was just down the hallway from yours but she loved it so it was fine. You drew dragons on the walls for her and flowers, she was impressed about how good your drawing skills were.

Her room wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It included a bed with fluffy pillows and a duvet, a desk, a small play area and a wardrobe. There was one singular window just beside the bed, revealing some parts of Berk.

One night, you had a terrible nightmare to the point were you were shaken up and trembling. You snuck downstairs, being careful not to wake Kalisa and sat on the porch in front of the house. You stared at the stars, finding the sight quite comforting.

You watched as Hiccup walked out of the main hall from doing his usual chief business, which was concerning since it's around 2am in the morning. He noticed you sat on the porch and walked over, sitting beside you.

The silence was loud but bearable. The night breeze gently blew your H/C coloured hair, moving it over your shoulder. The stars was all you were focusing on, their beauty made you stare in awe. You only had bits and pieces slowly coming from your memories, but the stars made you forget about all of it completely.

Hiccup broke the silence, gaining your attention,
" What are you doing awake? You should be in bed,"

" The same goes for you,"

You turned to look at him, noticing how his emerald green eyes shined brightly in the moonlight,
" You shouldn't be overworking yourself, Hiccup, it's not good for your health,"

He let out a heavy sigh, knowing that you were going to bring it up. He knew how concerned you could get about his behaviour - not just his but everyone's. It's one of the things he loved about you. Not just your beauty, but your kindness, compassion and gods there was so much more words he could describe you with.

He tried to change the subject by asking you a question,
" What are you doing up? "

" Nightmares, they seemed to get worse, but they affect my memories. They help me remember sometimes",

He just hummed in response, also feeling concerned about your sleeping schedule. He recognised the small bags under you eyes that grew darker every week.

He thought for a moment,
" How about I stay with you whilst you sleep tonight? I want you to have at least one good nights rest. I promise I'll leave when you have,"

You couldn't help but smile at him, your heart warming up at how much he cares. Your cheeks turned a hint of red without even realising. Luckily, the darkness of the night covered it, not making it visible. Now that you think about it, you've never had company at night - never. You may not remember much, but you knew that was a fact.

You sent him a small nod, thanking him. He stood up, holding out his hand. You gladly took it and both quietly went back to your room. Placing the blankets over your cold body, you snuggled into your pillows. Hiccup sat beside you on the bed, moving a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.

The action caused your cheeks to randomly blush without control, not used to such affection. His smile made your heart melt like ice, sinking your heart into your stomach. You didn't know what this feeling was, but it felt good in some way. You felt your stomach all tingly and your heart raced rapidly.
You decided in that moment you'd ask Gothi about it tomorrow.

He then began to slowly traced his fingers down the side of your face, making a gentle, soothing touch that made your eyes heavy. The exhaustion that had been building up within the last few days came back to you. Then you fell into a deep slumber .

He chuckled at how fast you fell asleep, admiring how beautiful you looked before leaving to his hut.

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