Chapter 2

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"Finally, you decided to join the party!" Tony quipped with his trademark sarcasm, his bad mood thinly veiled. The other Avengers were scattered around the conference table, their expressions ranging from serious to contemplative. You spotted an empty chair next to Steve Rogers, an old colleague you had the pleasure of working with before, and one Tony was quick to commend for his efforts. As you settled into the luxurious leather chair, Tony, always the showman, paused dramatically before addressing the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round for the latest and greatest news," Tony began, his tone a perfect blend of charisma and authority. "Our dear friend Thor has informed us that Loki Laufeyson is making a grand return to Earth. Apparently, Asgard can't handle his mischievous antics, and we're the lucky ones who get to babysit the prince." Tony's use of the word "prince" dripped with irony, emphasizing his skepticism about Loki's royal decorum.

An eruption of voices followed as the Avengers engaged in a spirited debate over who should bear the burden of "babysitting" Loki. It was clear that no one was eager to take on the task, given Loki's checkered history of chaos and malevolence. The room buzzed with arguments and excuses, each Avenger attempting to pass the responsibility onto someone else.

In a fit of frustration, Tony slammed his fist against the table, the resounding thud instantly hushing the room. "Hold your horses, I'm not done," Tony snapped, making sure he had everyone's attention.

"The honor of keeping an eye on our dear Loki goes to none other than y/n," Tony declared with an air of finality, causing all eyes to turn toward you. The news garnered a mix of reactions, with some Avengers sporting concerned expressions. The weight of the impending responsibility settled heavily upon you as the room fell silent.

"Each of you will be responsible for monitoring him from a safe distance, with Bruce's ingenious bracelets in place to rein in Loki's magical antics," Tony explained, his voice regaining its characteristic confidence and charm.

Natasha, ever astute and unafraid to speak her mind, voiced a valid concern. "Are we sure y/n is up for this task? She hasn't had the same training as the rest of us, and we're talking about Loki here, not a walk in the park."

All eyes turned to Tony, awaiting his response.

"No need to fret. That's why I gathered you all here," Tony reassured the room, his charisma radiating as he locked eyes with you, offering a reassuring nod. "Y/n will also have a specially designed bracelet, just in case Loki gets any funny ideas."

A collective sigh of relief seemed to wash over the room, and your heartbeat slowed as Tony continued, fully in his element.

"They're set to arrive in a few hours. In the meantime, let's make sure y/n settles comfortably on floor 57 with our guest of honor, Loki. Natasha, I trust you to assist her in finding her accommodations. Bruce, you're on bracelet duty," Tony concluded with a hint of his trademark smirk, effectively ending the meeting and sending the Avengers off to prepare for the imminent arrival of Loki Laufeyson.

You and Nat make your way to the elevator, your hearts racing with the anticipation of babysitting Loki Laufeyson himself. Natasha presses the button for the 57th floor, and you can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the air. You've orchestrated missions for the Avengers, successfully catching Loki, but being in such close proximity to him sends a shiver down your spine.

You've chatted with Thor before, a sweetheart of a god, but you've never had the chance to meet Jane, and especially not Loki. Your biggest worry gnaws at you: what if he tries to harm you? You've taken all security precautions, but the unknown is a relentless worry. Your heart races, and Natasha's comforting hand on your shoulder reminds you that your anxiety is visible.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Nat reassures you in her soothing voice, her words providing some comfort. Still, your concerns linger.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one babysitting Loki," you reply with a smile, your lips curling up as your eyes meet Nat's. She returns the smile, her expression soft and comforting, despite the hardships she's endured.

As you reach the 57th floor, you enter the hallway with two doors opposite each other. Natasha opens the left one, revealing your room, furnished with a double bed, nightstand, table, and wardrobe. A door on the right leads to your bathroom, offering both a bathtub and a shower for your preference.

"Come on, I'll show you the other rooms," Nat suggests. You follow her into the hallway again, where you discover the living room on the right and an open kitchen on the left. The room is bathed in natural light from floor-to-ceiling windows, and bookshelves line one wall, filling the air with the comforting scent of books.

A semi-light blue couch dominates the space, with a matching armchair nearby. A glass coffee table sits across from the sofa, positioned on a grey carpet. The kitchen boasts light blue counters with a black countertop, featuring a stove a refrigerator.

Nat leads you to the last room, a heavy double door revealing a vast library filled with various books. Rolling ladders are attached to the bookshelves for easy access. The room exudes warmth, with dark brown wood paneling and another chimney. A plush, dark red sofa and additional seating invite you to immerse yourself in this literary haven.

"So this will be your floor, just the two of you," Nat says with a hint of flirtation and a sarcastic wink.

"Very funny, Nat, very funny..." you respond, your voice a soft whisper on the second part. And with that, you find yourself alone in your floor, awaiting Loki's arrival. Your room, devoid of decorations, feels empty, and you decide to do some online shopping to make it cozier.

Sitting on your bare bed, you browse various items, realizing you didn't even bring any clothes since you didn't anticipate staying for long. Thankfully, you locked your door back home for added security. You and Tony Stark go way back, and he left everything except the furniture, knowing your penchant for interior design. You even helped him design some of the floors.

You urgently require new clothes, and time is of the essence. Shipping won't be as swift as you desire, so you promptly reach out to your dedicated assistant. The fact that you have your own personal assistant comes in handy in moments like these. You efficiently convey your clothing needs, and she promptly embarks on a trip to the mall to procure these items on your behalf.

This arrangement promises a wait of just about an hour, significantly faster than the online alternative. The anticipation of her return with your much-needed attire fills the air with a sense of urgency and relief. As you sit on your phone, responding to emails, you suddenly hear loud footsteps and the clinking of chains. A strange noise emanates from your door, and you cautiously move to open it...

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