Chapter 17

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"Loki... Loki, wake up," you implored, your voice filled with urgency as you attempted to rouse him from his deep slumber. It seemed as though he had become one with the tranquility of his dreams, so profoundly undisturbed that you briefly pondered if he might have ventured into the realm of the departed.

Desperation etched across your face, you muttered aloud, as if your words could penetrate his unconscious state, "How can I possibly awaken you?" Then, your gaze caught the sight of a water bottle on the nearby table, a glimmer of a potential solution. But you knew that ordinary, lukewarm water would fail to shake Loki from his slumber.

Determined to employ a more potent remedy, you descended to the kitchen. There, you seized a bottle and filled it with ice-cold water, and added a handful of ice cubes for extra chilling effect. Carrying your concoction with care, you ascended the stairs once more, the anticipation of Loki's awakening fueling your steps.

With the bottle of ice-cold water clutched in your trembling hand, you whispered to him, your voice a mix of plea and determination, "One final chance, Loki." Hope lingered in your heart as you watched him sleep soundly on his back, the perfect canvas for your unconventional wake-up call.

"Counting down now, Loki," you declared, your voice laced with playful mischief, "One... Two... Three!" In an audacious move, you inverted the water bottle, releasing a cascade of icy water that splashed onto his startled face. With a jolt, Loki bolted upright, his expression a bewildered mix of irritation and confusion.

"What in the realms are you doing?" he demanded, his irritation evident in the sharpness of his gaze. Perhaps you had taken your antics a bit too far.

"I had no other choice," you replied earnestly, defending your actions. "You left me no option, Loki."

"You're absolutely mad, y/n," Loki retorted, his voice a blend of exasperation and resignation. "Now, why did you wake me?"

A mischievous grin danced upon your lips as you leaned in closer to him, your eyes alight with excitement. "I thought we could venture to the Christmas market," you proposed, your voice brimming with anticipation, "and afterward, I have a surprise planned."

Loki arched an eyebrow, intrigue kindling in his gaze. "And what might this surprise be?" he inquired.

"It's a secret," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes. With that, you rose from the bed, your footsteps carrying you to the door. "Get dressed," you instructed, your tone now imbued with warmth. "I'll be in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast."

Leaving Loki to prepare for the day, you ventured to the kitchen, your heart light with excitement. There, you busied yourself with baking cinnamon rolls, a simple yet delectable treat. As they baked in the oven, you peered through the glass, watching them transform into golden perfection. The sight of the cinnamon rolls resting on the baking sheet filled you with a sense of satisfaction, their warmth and aroma promising a delightful start to your day together.

Finally, with a soft ding, the timer announced the cinnamon rolls were done. You carefully removed them from the oven, their golden-brown tops glistening with a sugary glaze. Placing the warm pastries on a plate, you set the table, ready for a cozy breakfast.

Loki, now dressed and fully awake, joined you at the table. He couldn't hide his delight as he took his first bite of the freshly baked cinnamon roll. "These are quite exquisite, y/n," he complimented between bites. "You've outdone yourself."

Grinning at his praise, you replied, "I'm glad you like them. Now, let's not waste any more time. The Christmas market awaits."

The two of you bundled up in warm coats and scarves, braving the crisp winter air. The market was a festive spectacle, with twinkling lights, colorful stalls, and a sense of holiday cheer in the atmosphere. You and Loki strolled through the market, hand in hand, taking in the sights and sounds.

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