Chapter 11

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As Loki inched closer, the atmosphere between you both grew charged with a palpable tension. You reclined on the couch, your back against one end, your feet neatly tucked, and Loki by your side, his presence looming closer.

"Tell me, my dear, about your past relationships with men."

You hesitate to answer, but you still manage, words tracing your lips. "I didn't have anyone else besides the man I described before."

Loki's gaze remained fixed on you, and in that moment, it seemed to betray something more primal than mere curiosity. Was it desire that flickered in his eyes? He leaned in, his face drawing nearer to yours with each passing second. Your heart raced, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in the atmosphere.

Loki paused, his face mere inches from yours, and his fingers gently lifted your chin, guiding your gaze to meet his. His voice, a seductive whisper, brushed against your ear.

"Your lips look so soft."

You felt his penetrating gaze locked onto your lips, and your breath quickened as he began to draw even closer, his intent unmistakable.

But just as the anticipation reached its zenith, the elevator's chime echoed through the room, shattering the enchanting moment. Startled, you jumped away from Loki, your heart racing, unable to process what had just occurred.

You exchanged a lingering gaze with Loki, filled with a mixture of curiosity, desire, and confusion. Without another word, you stood up and hurried into the hallway, leaving him behind in the library room, the unanswered questions and the tantalizing encounter lingering in the air.

You stood in the hallway, the echo of the elevator's chime slowly fading away. As you watched the floor number above rise higher, it became clear that someone had simply pressed the wrong button. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, dissipating the tension that had gripped you moments earlier.

Turning to go back into the library, you hoped to put some distance between yourself and the enigmatic encounter with Loki. However, as you stepped closer to the library doorway, your heart skipped a beat. There, standing in the doorway, was Loki, his presence as magnetic and enigmatic as ever.

His eyes, once filled with desire, now held a mixture of intrigue and amusement. It seemed he had followed you, as if he couldn't resist the pull of this unconventional connection that had formed between you.

"Leaving so soon, my dear? Our conversation was becoming rather... intriguing." A sly smile curly on his lips.

Your heart raced once again as you found yourself caught between the desire to continue this inexplicable connection and the need to maintain your composure. Loki's presence was undeniably intoxicating, and the library room, once a sanctuary of knowledge, had transformed into a realm of uncharted possibilities.

You stood there for a few lingering moments, caught in the gravity of Loki's presence. A thousand thoughts raced through your mind, each vying for your attention, but ultimately, you turned away, retreating to the solace of your room, leaving Loki standing in the doorway, a bemused smile playing on his lips.

In Loki's perspective, a mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he watched you walk away. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each more tantalizing than the last. The allure of the forbidden had always been his playground, and your reaction had only fueled his curiosity further.

Back in your room, you settled on your bed, your thoughts a tumultuous sea of confusion and desire. Despite the complexities of his identity, there was an undeniable attraction that emanated from Loki. You couldn't help but reflect on what made him so compelling.

As you pondered the enigma that was Loki Laufeyson, you found yourself drawn to your phone. Unable to contain your thoughts, you decided to text your friends, seeking their advice and perspective on the inexplicable encounter.

With a deep breath, you typed out a message, unsure of what to expect but hoping to gain some clarity from the outside world.

You: Hey, Sarah, you won't believe what just happened. I need to talk about it.

Sarah: What's up? You sound incredibly excited!

You: Well, I was in the library, and Loki Laufeyson (yes, the god) started a conversation with me. And things got, well, unexpectedly intense.

Angelica: Wait, seriously?! What did he say? Tell us every vivid detail!

You: He asked about my past relationships, got uncomfortably close, and then...almost kissed me. But the elevator saved me from whatever was about to happen.

Sarah: Wow, that's...completely unexpected. How do you feel about it?

You: Utterly confused! He's a god, and I shouldn't be so inexplicably attracted to him, but there's something irresistibly magnetic about him. What do you think?

Angelica: Sometimes, chemistry is beyond any rational explanation. Just be exceptionally cautious, okay? Gods can be remarkably tricky!

You: Thanks, Sarah and Angelica. I needed to share this with someone. I'll definitely be meticulously cautious around him.

Loki's POV:

In the quiet solitude of my thoughts, her presence consumed me. [Your Name], the mortal who had unwittingly ignited the flames of desire within my immortal heart, was a constant, tantalizing presence in my mind.

Desire, so primal and relentless, coursed through my veins, and I couldn't help but think of her in the most forbidden and naughty of perspectives. Her allure, her very essence, called to me like a siren's song, beckoning me closer, stoking the fires of longing that I had long suppressed.

Her lips, so plump and inviting, haunted my thoughts. I yearned to taste them, to feel the softness of her mouth against mine. It had been an eternity since I had savored the pleasure of a woman, and the frustration of the past week had only intensified my yearning.

Every day, I saw her, and every day, I thought about taking her. The temptation was a maddening torment, a seductive dance with danger that left me teetering on the edge of self-control. She was the embodiment of my desires, a tantalizing enigma that both thrilled and tormented me, a mortal who had ensnared the heart of a god in a web of irresistible temptation.

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