Chapter 6

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You slowly awaken, the tendrils of sleep gradually releasing their grip on your senses. Your body feels slightly sore from the night's slumber, a testament to your less-than-ideal sleeping position. As consciousness fully returns, you become acutely aware of the weight of the blankets cocooning you, only to realize that they're not the living room throw but the ones from your bed. With a jolt of realization, you sit up abruptly and open your eyes, finding yourself back in your room, nestled in your bed. How did you end up here when you remember falling asleep on the couch last night? Did you unknowingly migrate during your slumber?

Glancing at the clock, you're startled to see that it's already 7 am, and you should have been up and ready for the day by now. You hurriedly slip into some clothes and tend to your teeth and hair before heading towards Loki's room. You're only ten minutes late, but as you approach his door, an enticing aroma wafts through the air, emanating from the kitchen. It's a tantalizing scent, yet elusive in its composition. Abandoning your original mission, you make your way to the source, discovering Loki seated at the dining table with a breakfast spread before him.

"Finally, you woke up," Loki remarks, his tone tinged with mild annoyance, but he still gestures for you to join him for breakfast. It's a simple fruit salad, innocuous in appearance. You watch him take the first bite, a flicker of uncertainty crossing your mind—could there be poison hidden somewhere? But then you reconsider; there's nothing on this floor that Loki could use for such nefarious purposes. Tentatively, you take a bite as well, and the moment the juice from the fresh fruits touches your taste buds, all doubts vanish.

Loki's POV:

Why does she hesitate, I wonder? Does the salad appear unappetizing to her? From where I sit, it certainly doesn't seem so. I possess eyes, after all. I find it frustrating that these wretched bracelets restrain me from delving into her thoughts. How advantageous it would be to discern her inner musings. I admit, I know little about her. Yet, she exudes a certain charm. I don't speak of her attire, no. It's her demeanor that catches my attention.

She carries herself with a refined grace rarely witnessed among Midgardians. I believe it might be the first time I've observed a Midgardian abstain from resting their elbows upon the table. She consistently presents herself well, her clothing unstained, her hands appearing soft and her nails adorned with something that accentuates their elegance. Her posture, impeccable and upright, is a rarity in Midgard. It's as if she possesses an innate understanding of Asgardian customs. Yet, what intrigues me most are those enigmatic substances adorning her nails.

Back to your POV:

The fruits are indeed fresh and delightful, prompting a small smile to grace your lips as you savor each bite. While you eat, your mind drifts to the day ahead. It's disappointing that you can't venture outside, especially during this serene winter season that blankets the earth in tranquility. Nevertheless, you resolve to make the most of your confinement, turning your attention to the stack of books you've discovered Loki to have a fondness for.

You realize that immersing yourself in these books might be a pleasant way to pass the time, ensuring Loki's companionship without the need for words. In fact, he hasn't spoken much at all lately—just a grumpy comment about your tardiness today. Once breakfast is over, you slip into your daily routine: work, lunch, a visit to the library, dinner preparation, an episode of Gilmore Girls, and then bedtime. Throughout it all, Loki silently accompanies you, a constant presence by your side.

Two weeks drift by in this quiet, unspoken routine. The lack of conversation between you both has left an unmistakable sense of discomfort in the air. Yet, since Loki shows no inclination to engage, you've chosen to mirror his silence, creating a peculiar atmosphere that neither of you dares to disrupt.

It is now the 20th of November, a serene Tuesday morning. As you sit at the dining table, savoring your breakfast, the hushed hum of everyday life fills the air. Your senses remain attuned to the world around you, even in these moments of reprieve. Suddenly, a faint but distinct sound reaches your ears—the unmistakable halt of the elevator at your floor.

You pivot your head toward the doorway framed in the wall, your curiosity piqued. The anticipation of a visitor electrifies the room, and you squint, attempting to discern the identity of the impending guest. The hallway beyond is teeming with activity, the muffled cadence of numerous footsteps echoing towards you. It dawns on you that these must be the guards.

However, your intrigue deepens as the footsteps draw nearer, a suspicion taking root within you. It's not just the guards. Among them strides Tony Stark, the genius inventor and philanthropic superhero.

"Hey there, you two. We've been keeping a keen eye on Loki's antics through the myriad of cameras scattered across this facility. And it appears you two have managed to coexist peacefully. So, Thor suggested that after a fortnight of this floor, you both venture outside. However, Loki here will be adorned with more than just those bracelets. We're adding a nifty little collar to track his every move. Of course, we can't have him strolling around in Asgardian attire, so you'll find some new threads on his bed. Your freedom hours will be from 7 am to 11 pm. Sound good?"

You paused, taking in the moment as your thoughts churned. "That's... great," you replied with a hint of relief, a newfound sense of freedom washing over you. The prospect of stepping outside after what felt like an eternity filled you with anticipation.

Tony, ever the orchestrator, caught your response and promptly instructed the guards to fasten the collar onto Loki. As the metal clasp clicked around Loki's neck, you couldn't help but notice the irritation and anger etched across his face. It was uncomfortable, watching him be treated like a mere animal. Yet, your rational side reminded you of his murderous deeds, making it easier to justify this level of restraint. After all, perhaps he did deserve it, you mused, albeit reluctantly. At least now he had the chance to breathe fresh air outside these walls.

With the efficiency of Stark tech, Tony swiftly retreated towards the elevator, disappearing into another floor with his trademark nonchalance. Left alone in the room, it was just you and Loki, both finishing your breakfast in silence.

As you meticulously cleaned the dishes, the clinking of porcelain against steel seemed to resonate louder in the quiet room, a stark reminder of the passage of time. Then, after enduring two weeks of shared silence, you finally broke the ice. The words flowed from your lips, carrying the weight of anticipation and curiosity, as you began to speak once more.

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