Chapter 5

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The next morning, you wake up with a resolution to maintain a certain distance from Loki Laufeyson. The previous day's interactions had left you feeling uneasy, and you decide it might be best to keep your emotions in check. As you get out of bed, you notice a package waiting outside your door. It contains all the essentials you'll need for your stay.

After a quick shower and skincare routine, you choose your attire carefully, opting for something that exudes a sense of detachment. You decide to wear a simple, monochrome outfit, the absence of color mirroring your intention to keep things cool with Loki.

With your preparations complete, you head to Loki's door and knock, but before he can open it, you inform him in a business-like tone, "Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes." The menu for the morning is a plain Greek yogurt with assorted fruits, a stark contrast to the elaborate meal you prepared the previous day. You're determined to maintain an air of indifference.

Fifteen minutes later, when Loki arrives at the dining table, he finds you already finished with your breakfast. You sit there, a silent presence, your gaze focused on your untouched cup of coffee. It's a subtle way of keeping him at bay while you carry on with your morning routine.

As Loki eats, the room remains quiet, a stark departure from the previous day's attempts at conversation. You both seem content in this new silence, each occupied with your own thoughts. After he finishes his meal, he takes a seat on the couch in the living room, directly opposite you.

You can feel his gaze on you, his eyes boring into your soul. It's a strange mix of curiosity and annoyance that emanates from him. You resist the urge to meet his stare, choosing instead to focus on your laptop, your work providing a convenient shield.

While he watches, you diligently work, the room remaining hushed. It's an atmosphere of tension and detachment, a stark contrast to the warmth and camaraderie you had hoped for at the beginning of your stay.

As the morning hours pass, you can't help but wonder about Loki's motives. Is he equally committed to maintaining this icy distance between you, or is he simply biding his time, waiting for the right moment to break the silence? It's a question that nags at the back of your mind, distracting you from your work.

Eventually, you decide to take a break and close your laptop. Without a word, you rise from your seat and make your way to the library, a quiet retreat where you can lose yourself in a book. Loki, without any verbal communication, follows you at a distance.

You select a book from the shelf, opting for a classic romance novel. As you settle into a comfortable chair and begin to read, you can sense Loki's silent presence nearby. His choice of reading material is Shakespeare, a stark contrast to your own.

In his thoughts, Loki can't help but find the romance genre amusing. He knows what lies within those pages, the passionate encounters and smutty scenes that often feature prominently. As he reads his Shakespearean play, he keeps glancing at you, waiting for that inevitable moment when you'll come across one of those intimate scenes.

Loki's POV:

She sits there in silence, an enigma that has intrigued me all day. I find myself pondering the reason behind her unusual quietness. Ah, there it is, the book in her hands, a romance novel. Seems a touch too passionate for her, doesn't it? I can't help but smirk, wondering how she'll react to the steamy scenes within those pages. She appears far too innocent for such reading material.

Those lips of hers, they have a certain softness to them. I can't help but wonder if they're naturally that way. And her neck, a striking elegance that could rival a ballerina's. She possesses the grace, a long neck but not as exaggerated as a giraffe's.

My mind wanders to the texture of her skin. She always wears turtlenecks, concealing herself. What is she hiding? Could she bear the marks of a passionate lover, those enticing bite marks? No, it's unlikely. If she had a lover, she wouldn't have agreed to live here with another man. I am no mere man; I am a god, a prince.

But those lips, they captivate my thoughts with their tempting softness. What am I even contemplating? She's a Midgardian, after all, seemingly unremarkable and likely as vexing as any other Midgardian woman. They often appear to have little to offer beyond pleasuring their partners in bed. Sometimes, they can't even manage that.

Back to your POV:

Sure enough, as you continue reading, you stumble upon a particularly steamy scene in the book. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment, but you soldier on, refusing to give Loki the satisfaction of seeing you flustered. You read through the scene with determination, maintaining your composure.

After the smutty scene concludes, you close the book and sit back in your chair, feeling a sense of accomplishment. You can sense Loki's eyes on you, his gaze intense as ever. It's as if he's waiting for your reaction, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction.

With the book set aside, you curl up on the sofa with a soft blanket, your focus shifting to the flickering flames in the fireplace. The room is quiet, save for the crackling of the fire, and you allow yourself to relax, even as you feel Loki's presence lingering in the background.

Time slips away, and you lose track of it as you find solace in the comforting warmth of the library. As the sun moves across the sky, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow in the room, you remain lost in your thoughts.

When hunger finally calls, you stand up, and as expected, Loki quietly follows you. In the kitchen, you prepare a simple meal of pumpkin soup. It's a plain choice, in keeping with the day's theme of detachment. Loki watches you silently as you cook, his gaze unrelenting.

Lunch is served, and you both sit down to eat, the silence between you growing more pronounced with each passing minute. It's almost as if you've created an impenetrable barrier between you and Loki, an invisible divide that neither of you is willing to breach.

Once the meal is finished, you take care of the dishes, the sound of running water filling the kitchen. Loki watches you, his presence a constant reminder of the unspoken tension that hangs in the air.

Afterward, you return to the living room and start watching "Gilmore Girls" once again, though it's the third time you've seen the series. It's a deliberate choice, a way to fill the silence with something familiar. Loki, as always, takes a seat on the other end of the couch, his silent observation continuing.

As the episodes play on, you start to feel the fatigue of the day weighing on you. The tension and detachment have left you drained, and without realizing it, you fall asleep on the couch, the soft blanket providing a thin shield against the world.

Loki, sitting across from you, continues to watch you, his gaze as cold and distant as the facade you've chosen to adopt. It's a stark reminder that, despite the attraction and intrigue that simmers beneath the surface, there's a long way to go before any genuine connection can be forged between you and the enigmatic god of mischief.

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