Chapter 4

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The following day dawns, a Tuesday like any other, and the digital clock on your bedside table unflinchingly reads 6:30 AM. Reluctantly, you shift your feet from beneath the warm covers onto the chilly wooden floor, a tingling sensation coursing up your spine in response. Inhaling deeply, you muster the resolve to rise from the cozy embrace of your bed. Today is the day – the day you'll encounter Loki face-to-face for the very first time.

With a sigh, you make your way to the bathroom, a quest for freshness that precedes your return to the bedroom. You stand before your wardrobe, carefully selecting an outfit for the day, acutely aware that the clock is ticking, and you have just 15 minutes left before you'll need to muster the courage to knock on Loki's door. Anxiety and uncertainty loom in your mind, casting a shadow over the impending meeting.

Considering your options, you contemplate preparing breakfast, not knowing Loki's culinary preferences. You sit in silence for nearly 10 minutes, weighing your choices before finally finding the determination to venture out of your room.

Now, here you stand at his door, your heart pounding in your chest. You strain your ears, listening intently for any sign of activity emanating from his room, but the only response is an eerie silence. You clench your fist, resolve building, and take in a deep breath before delivering three authoritative knocks.

Seconds pass like hours as you wait for a reply, the tension mounting with each passing moment. When no answer comes, you prepare to knock again, only to be taken aback as the door suddenly swings open before you. A looming figure, larger than life, fills the doorway, and the ease with which the door opens catches you entirely off guard.

You find yourself lost in the depths of Loki's captivating green eyes, a sea of emerald swirling with mystery. He's clad in his customary attire, the signature Loki Laufeyson outfit reminiscent of his appearance in the Thor 1 movie. Time seems to stand still as you gather the courage to address him.

"Hello..." your voice quivers slightly, betraying your nervousness, though Loki appears unfazed. One elegant brow arches inquisitively as he awaits your continuation. You press on, your words coming out in a hopeful tone, "Would you be ready to have some breakfast?"

"I don't believe it would be entirely unpleasant, now would it?" Loki's response is measured, his voice resonating with a profound depth as he locks eyes with you, "Right... let's just go to the kitchen then."

"Lead the way, my dear." But it's the unexpected endearment that catches you off guard. "My dear?" Did he just call you "my dear"? It's the first time in your life that anyone has used such an affectionate term for you. A mixture of astonishment and curiosity swirls within you as you lead the way, with Loki trailing behind, to the kitchen.

In the midst of your jittery nerves, you muster the question, "What do you prefer?" His attention seems divided as he scans the room, his aura of enigma ever-present.

"Anything that tickles your fancy," he responds dismissively, leaving you to take charge. You move quickly, deciding on preparing an Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs. The aroma of toasting whole-grain bread fills the room as you go about the process with delicate precision.

As you deftly mash ripe avocado and season it with a pinch of salt and pepper, Loki remains an enigmatic presence. Poaching two eggs becomes a rhythmic dance of simmering water, vinegar, and delicate egg placement. The anticipation of sharing this meal with the god of mischief adds an extra layer of tension to your already nervous demeanor.

Finally, the Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs is ready. You place the plates on the dinner table and gesture for Loki to have a seat. He inspects the meal with a smirk, his comment leaving a curious taste in your mouth, "This seems surprisingly less repulsive than my initial expectations."

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