Chapter 19

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You wake up, your bed sheets enveloping you in their soft embrace. The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth across the room. As you lie there, you're overcome by a profound sense of tranquility within the confines of your home. There's an absence of worry, a peaceful anticipation for the day ahead.

Yesterday, you meticulously crafted a plan for today. It begins with your usual morning routine: preparing a delicious breakfast, savoring the simple pleasure of staying in until lunchtime. Your intention for the day is clear; you plan to dine out for lunch and then embark on a heartfelt mission of selecting thoughtful presents for your loved ones. The act of gift-giving brings you immense joy, as you've honed the art of choosing each gift with meticulous care.

With every recipient in mind, you've already envisioned the perfect surprises. After the shopping spree, you intend to return home and prepare a delightful dinner. The evening's prospect fills you with warmth, knowing that you'll spend it cozily nestled in your bed with Loki, your loyal companion.

You close your eyes, instinctively reaching out to embrace your faithful friend, only to find emptiness. Alarmed, you open your eyes to confirm that Loki is no longer by your side. Rising from your bed, you search the room and then descend to the living area. Relief floods over you as you spot Loki seated on the couch, his expression unusually serious, with a hint of frustration.

"Let's return to the Stark Tower," Loki declares, his tone uncharacteristically stern and tinged with anger. This sudden change surprises you, as you believed Loki enjoyed the comfort of your home.

"Why the sudden urge to return to the Stark Tower?" you inquire, genuinely curious. You've always thought of this place as a sanctuary for both of you.

"There's something urgent I must convey to Thor," Loki replies, his reasoning becoming clear. It dawns on you that he hasn't seen his brother in quite some time.

Understanding his need, you nod in agreement. "Very well, let me get ready, and then we'll head to the Stark Tower." With determination, you make your way back upstairs, filled with a sense of purpose as you prepare for the unexpected journey ahead.

As you and Loki arrive at the Stark Tower, something has undeniably changed. Loki, who was once warm and charismatic, now exudes an icy demeanor that sends shivers down your spine. It's as if a wall has been erected between you, and his once-welcoming eyes now hold a coldness you can't fathom.

Biting back tears and confusion, you reluctantly hand Loki over to Tony Stark, explaining that Loki has an urgent matter to discuss with Thor. Tony nods understandingly, assuring you that you can wait in your old room. His voice is kind, but it's not enough to quell the unease in your heart.

Alone in your familiar quarters, you sit on the edge of the bed, your thoughts consumed by the abrupt change in Loki's behavior. The memories of the time you spent together flood your mind - the laughter, the shared moments, the undeniable connection. It all felt so genuine.

Yet now, it seems like he despises your presence. You can't help but wonder if his affections were solely driven by desire, and once satisfied, he discarded you like a used object. The pain in your chest is undeniable, a deep ache that refuses to be ignored.

You try to push away the tears that threaten to spill, unwilling to admit how much it hurts to be treated this way. It's not the first time you've experienced disrespect or abandonment in your life, and that only makes it sting more.

As you sit in solitude, you can't help but question the authenticity of the connection you thought you had with Loki. The uncertainty gnaws at you, and you can't shake the feeling that something profound has been lost, leaving you with a heavy heart in the shadows of the Stark Tower.

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