Chapter 16

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Warning: Smut

As you continue, his hands begin to explore your body with a gentle, lingering touch, caressing every curve and contour. The sensation of his fingertips tracing your skin sends shivers of anticipation through you, heightening your awareness of the intimate surroundings. With a deliberate and sensual movement, he then guides you onto his lap, creating an electrifying connection that pulses through the air, making the moment feel charged with desire and intimacy.

You can sense the warmth of his desire pressing against your thigh, a palpable reminder of the intense attraction between you two. His hands, firmly gripping your hips, start to guide your movements in a rhythmic dance, causing a gradual build-up of tantalizing friction. Each forward and backward motion ignites a growing sensation of anticipation, filling the air with an undeniable tension, as you both surrender to the magnetic pull of your desires.

In the present moment, his hands tighten their grip on your hair, pulling with an arousing blend of firmness and urgency. Despite the tug on your hair, the fervent movement of your hips persists, each undulation syncing perfectly with the ongoing passionate exchange of kisses.

"I want you so bad, darling..." Loki whisper softly.

Loki, his desire burning brighter than ever, gently guides you onto your back on the plush couch. His eyes lock onto yours, filled with a mix of longing and admiration. The soft fabric of the couch cradles your body as he leans in, capturing your lips in another searing kiss, his hands exploring your contours with a hunger that leaves you breathless and eager for more.

The room around you seems to pulse with anticipation as his hands, warm and assertive, explore the contours of your body, their touch igniting a trail of desire. Each caress sends a shiver down your spine.

His voice, a seductive purr, breaks the silence, "I think it's not quite the right place to do this, darling." With a swift, graceful motion, Loki sweeps you up into his arms and carries you upstairs to your room. The anticipation builds with every step, your heart racing in sync with the promise of what's to come.

As he gently places you on the bed, his presence looming above you, he descends upon you with a fiery hunger, capturing your lips in an electrifying kiss. His lips trail down to your neck, leaving a trail of fiery kisses in their wake, and then slowly move lower, teasingly tracing your stomach. His hands, daring and confident, slip beneath your shirt, sending a cascade of sensations through your body as the connection between you deepens with each passing moment.

Loki's skilled hands, dexterously and sensually, begin to caress and explore your breasts, eliciting a rush of longing that courses through your body. Your yearning for him intensifies, yet he continues to tease, stoking the flames of desire.

With every kiss he plants on your stomach, a trail of sensations tingles across your skin, each one a testament to his mastery in the art of seduction. His gaze rises to meet yours, a silent promise of the pleasures yet to come.

In one fluid motion, Loki moves, lifting you to a seated position by your waist, his movements deliberate and commanding. With a swift, almost impatient gesture, he takes off your top, exposing the delicate fabric of your bra beneath. His eyes, filled with an insatiable hunger, fixate on this tantalizing sight.

Without hesitation, he leans in, his lips capturing your breasts in a fervent kiss. Your fingers instinctively tangle in his hair, their grip conveying your eagerness and surrender to the intoxicating connection between you, as the world outside this passionate embrace fades away.

The atmosphere in the room is thick with desire and passion, each moment more intense than the last. Loki, with an undeniable fondness for marking his territory, revels in the bite marks he leaves on your breasts.

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